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Old 05-24-2009, 07:54 PM
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In my campaign, the Baghdad Pact was the Soviet allied Arabic power bloc fighting in the middle east. Unfortunately, the majority of the Middle Eastern nations where forced into accepting the fact they where fighting on the same side of the Israeli governmnet when they had to ally with the United States. While the bulk (80%) of the Israeli Defense Forces where confined to the Israeli territorial gains. The near collapse of Lebannon thanks to Syrian and Soviet-backed Iraqi forces pushed Isreal into a position sa the liberators as the Lebanese, and turned alot of the Muslim people in the Middle East against the Palestinians when a group of extremists had gotten their hands on a tactical nuke and ended up setting it off near Jeurselem destroying the Temple Mound. The fact that the mosque wasn't destroyed because of IDF troops pushing the SADM far enough away that it didn't completely destroy the area...

It was the Jordanians who first responded with support for the Isrealis to make the first move to crush the fledgling Soviet Equipped Palestinian People's Liberation Army that had been assembling in the area along the Syria-Jordan border. Islamic fundamenalism turned the middle east in my campaign to be the bloodest and most brutal fighting outside of Africa... and the regon that contained the highest casulty rates of the entire war from direct combat (80% or more of the pre-war population died due to fighting, if counting non-combat related deaths Africa was the highest percentage of deaths from rampant diease).

the Middle Eastern campaign for us was really, really brutal. actually put about eighty 'really, really' in front of brutal and you'll hit the tip of the iceberg... The fighting was HORRIBLE. street-to-street fighting and insurgency like we're seeing there right now... that's what happened AFTER the major land battles when the frontlines stablised. Bright Star is a damn good description of an idea of the kind of fighting.. but our campaign was even worse.

after the war was over, the State of Israel ended up growing to inculde Jordan, Lebannon and the Golan Heights. Peace was due to the fact that Isrealis where governed by Isreali laws, Arabic Muslims by their own laws, and the Christians by their own laws. Of course, the redraw of the map of the middle east was massive. almost unrecognizeable by some... one day i'll post the post war world maps i had drew up...
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