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Old 06-03-2021, 03:14 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

I have seen nothing posted anywhere on the FL site to date that shows a poll or polling results or asking what people thought of the game in response to polling questions (and not just overall comments). Thus there is no evidence any such poll was or has been conducted to date.

They may be in the process of doing such a poll since they just released the pdf version but again nothing I have seen or heard people talking about - i.e. "hey FL has a poll running on the game"

Now that might change and if so then we will have another data point to go on. However using the responses on the FB sites for at least two major T2K groups and on the T2K Discord you can see plainly just from the posts that the overall response has been quite negative.

I will talk to the admins on my FB group about putting together a poll there similar to what Raellus did here to gather more information and data points. I could see what the admins over at the other FB group are doing and if they are gathering something like polling data similar to this.

Thus since nothing has been published by FL of any sort with polling information or questions - or an email saying please go here to answer a poll on the game - that would be evidence of that claim of there being a lack of such a poll, at least to date.

As such all we have to go on with any actual scientific data is this poll and this data.
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