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Old 02-27-2022, 10:08 AM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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I’m considering the following homebrew V4 Initiative system and I’m keen to get people’s thoughts. Please note that this is a first draft so please be kind:
  • At the start of the first round everyone rolls their personal CUF die and then modifies the result to generate an initiative score.
  • The only modifier applied in round 1 is whether they are carrying their backpack or not. If they are carrying their backpack then no modifier is applied. If they aren’t carrying their backpack then a +2 modifier is applied.
  • The GM then counts down from the highest number, resolving actions until the first round is completed. Ties happen simultaneously.
  • At the end of the first round (and of every subsequent round) every participant declares whether they are Pressing or Holding. If everyone Holds then a Pause in the combat occurs and PCs and NPCs can perform non-combat actions unless a combat starts again.
  • If one participant in the combat declares Press then everyone rolls initiative as above but anyone who declared that they were Pressing applies a modifier of +4. Participants who declared Hold do not apply a modifier.
  • The GM then counts down from the highest number, taking actions until the first round is completed.
  • NPCs can be grouped together under a single roll for ease of tracking.

For example, Alex (CUF B and wearing a backpack) and Ben (CUF C and wearing a backpack) encounter two enemy soldiers on patrol (both CUF C and not wearing backpacks). Everyone rolls their CUF for round 1:
  • Alex rolls a 4 and applies no modifier for a total of 4.
  • Ben rolls a 5 and applies no modifier for a total of 5.
  • Enemy solider #1 rolls a 6 and applies a modifier of +2 (as he isn’t wearing a backpack) for a total of 8.
  • Enemy soldier #2 rolls an 8 and applies a modifier of +2 (as he also isn’t wearing a backpack) for a total of 10.
  • The round is resolved in the order Enemy soldier #2 (10), Enemy soldier #1 (8), Ben (5) and lastly Alex (4).

For ease let’s presume that no one was hit by any fire or was suppressed in round 1 and that Alex and Ben dropped their backpacks during the round.

We now have the declaration phase at the end of round 1. Let’s presume that that Enemy soldier #1 decided to Hold for some reason while the others all decided to Press. The combat continues for another round and the initiative rolls for round 2 would be made. Let’s presume that they are as follows:
  • Alex rolls a 9 and applies a +2 modifier as he now isn’t wearing a backpack and a +4 modifier as he Pressed for a total of 15
  • Ben rolls a 6 and applies a +2 modifier as he now isn’t wearing a backpack and a +4 modifier as he Pressed for a total of 12
  • Enemy soldier #1 rolls an 8 and applies a +2 modifier as he isn’t wearing a backpack for a total of 10
  • Enemy soldier #2 rolls a 7 and a +2 modifier as he isn’t wearing a backpack and a +4 modifier as he Pressed for a total of 13
  • The round is resolved in the order Alex (15), Enemy soldier #2 (13), Ben (12), Enemy soldier #1 (10).

How does that sound as an initiative system? Constructive criticism please.

From my perspective, the major negative with this homebrew system is that it involves rolling initiative every round but as it includes the Press/Hold mechanic from the V3 rules, which seems to create an interesting flow in an engagement, I think that it might be worth the extra dice rolling.

I'm also not sure how the V4 rule that allows you to swap initiative with another PC you are in communication with would work with this homebrew system.
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