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Old 10-11-2008, 02:19 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Originally Posted by O'Borg
There's a fair amount of Rapeseed grown in Europe (least around my part of the UK there is) as its used for animal feed, but can be used for biodiesel quite effectively.
Vast amounts of canola grown in Australia, canola oil is very much suitable for creating biodiesel. If you were in an area with lots of wild or cultivated cannabis you could extract hemp oil with equipment as simple as a cold press and use that to make biodiesel (and some medicinal cookies while you're at it).

Also as I've said in a post ages ago on the RPGHost forums, if you were really hard core (and probably homicidal and dangerously insane) you could rend the fat from the corpses of your vanquished enemies and make biodiesel out of the tallow. The more enemy you kill the further you can drive, to find more enemy to kill. And so on.
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