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Old 07-25-2022, 04:08 PM
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kcdusk kcdusk is offline
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Day 4 Morning
Geddes wakes in the morning, pushing the bivvy off his face. Despite still being dark outside, he rises, packs and starts munching on a power bar. Light is coming on fast, but the sun remains below the horizon. Once out of his warm bivvy and packed, he looks forward to getting walking, all the better to keep the cold at bay.

I pulled a 6 of spades which indicates a ruin, which doesn’t apply when travelling off road, so I ruled no encounter.

As the day moves on Geddes travel begins to take him into the mountains. Speed slows, heart rate rises and the amount of rest stops increase also. Cresting a saddle between two hills a small village is seen further down the path. Not wanting to draw attention. Geddes skirts around the village keeping the village just in his sights, while reducing the chances of anyone spotting him.
With 45 minutes before sun set, Geddes finds a place to bed down and rest. At night he sleeps.

I draw an encounter that does not apply during the night, so determine no encounter over night.

Day 5 Morning
Geddes again rises well rested. Travel is going well since the initial shooting exchanges. He feels he is covering good ground, and remaining undetected so far. Despite not knowing the local political situation or receiving any updates on the approach of war, it felt so inevitable when we began his journey.

The bivvy again peels back, but this time with light crunching. The biv is rigid, is it cracking? No, it’s a thin crust of ice breaking as the bivvy material moves. It remains pitch black outside. Geddes checks the time, noting the sun should be visible. It takes a few moments to understand a thick fog has rolled in (Random encounter table).

Geddes rolls a D12 and D10 verse navigation in the fog, and rolls 8+7 which is a success. Moving across the land despite the fog (-1 modification) is part of Geddes experience and presents no problems.

The fog continues through the day and I determine another navigation roll is needed. A 5 and an 8 indicate success.

However, a BMP-2 appears about 140m distant. This presents a significant foe, and Geddes slowly drops to his haunches. There is a commander in the hatch, binos at his face scanning ahead but no in Geddes direction. After a few minutes it appears as if the BMP-2 is alone. Perhaps this is a forward soviet spotting vehicle? Whatever, it is on friendly ground and therefore, despite any dotted lines on a map, clearly in the wrong location. Geddes determines this is his first chance to impact the impending war in any significant way.

Geddes calculates that he can fire on the commander in the hatch. And hit or miss, he is likely to remain hidden for now. Therefore it is a risk worth taking.
Lining up the commander through the scope on his FAL he fires a single shot.

D12+D12 +2 for scope, -1 for medium range, -2 for a called shot to the head = D12+D10. The roll is 11 and 2; therefore 2 successes.

The FAL does 3 damage +1 for the second success makes 4 damage dealt, which is a critical hit. This is the first time I have looked at the critical hit tables. I like that they not only provide more damage, they give good description which can add to role play and also introduce some other negative modifiers depending on the outcome. In this case, the critical hit to the head also shatters the commanders teeth as he involuntarily falls down inside the BMP.

I determine that due to fog, range and being buttoned up, that the BMP was not able to locate which direction the shot came from.

Geddes breaths out hard. That is about the best outcome he could have hoped for. Deciding anything else is pushing his luck, Geddes waits for the BMP-2 to move on before making tracks himself.
"Beep me if the apocolypse comes" - Buffy Sommers
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