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Old 12-15-2022, 03:54 PM
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chico20854 chico20854 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Washington, DC area
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December 15, 1997

President Munson, on the advice of what was left of Tanner's cabinet, issues the Emergency Relocation Decree. The purpose of Emergency Relocation Plan is to relocate the nation's urban population closer to food-producing areas and minimize food transportation. For this reason, about 100,000 urban residents are shifted from the larger cities around the Great Lakes to smaller cities on the Great Plains. There is considerable opposition to the relocation from both rural and urban populations. This program, acknowledging that construction of sufficient shelters in each major city to protect the majority of each city's inhabitants during a nuclear attack was impossible, calls for the wholesale evacuation of the cities to surrounding "host communities" in the event that a nuclear attack seemed imminent.

Morland Bryce, a British SAS commander in Norway, receives word of his wife's slow death in a Bristol hospital and the disappearance of his 4-year-old son.


The container-barge carrier Lanchow Carrier is delivered in Mobile, Alabama. The Chinese government is in no condition to take possession of the ship, so it is taken by the US government. The 1108th Signal Brigade is made responsible for reestablishing communications, disaster relief and civil order missions within the 1st US Army's area of command.

RainbowSix reports that Southampton is a target of Soviet nuclear missiles aimed at its port and refining facilities.

Action at the front lines in Germany has largely ground to a halt due to lack of supplies. The Bundeswehr high command, effectively the government of Germany, consults with SACEUR about the redeployment of troops from the Oder-Niesse line to the German interior as it appears that the Warsaw Pact is in no condition to launch an attack into East Germany. Dispersing the masses of Allied troops evacuated from Poland will also help in maintaining order in the German interior and more evenly spread the burden of billeting tens of thousands of troops through the upcoming winter.

The last operational American nuclear carriers in the Atlantic, the USS Eisenhower and Theodore Roosevelt, move north and east into the Norwegian Sea, the scene of such fierce naval battles a year prior.

Israel retaliates against the USSR for its strike on the Haifa, firing a single Jericho II missile at the steel mill in Rustavi, Georgia. The missile's 450 kt warhead incinerates the mill and a nearby chemical plant, effectively delivering the message that Israel will retain its sovereignty and retaliate fiercely against any attack.

Analysts from the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade (Airborne) in Saudi Arabia intercept Soviet communications ordering Transcaucasian Front's 126th Missile Brigade to launch a nuclear-tipped SS-12M missile at CENTCOM headquarters. Knowing that the response time to such an order is roughly 45 minutes, the headquarters is able to evacuate its commander and most of its staff, while the defending Patriot missile batteries of the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade are all brought on alert and a pair of F-15Es of the 4th Tactical Fighter Wing dispatched to attack the launch site once it is detected. The effort is successful, with the incoming missile shot down and the launch site plastered with cluster bombs within five minutes of the launch.

The mutineers of the 156th (my 190th) Motor-Rifle Division hold hasty trials for the more senior officers, finding them guilty of betraying true Communism. The colonels and generals are executed, the majors and lieutenant colonels released to wander the Altai region on their own, unarmed and alone.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
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