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Old 03-28-2023, 09:03 PM
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Default Favorite Unguided RPG/rocket and an additional question...

So first the general question: what's your favorite in-game unguided RPG/rocket system? For me it's an RPG-7 or compatible system. It's not going to kill an MBT but it will do some damage to most of the vehicles and emplacements the PCs will encounter. It beats out the M72 due to the fact it's reloadable and in a European campaign you'd find ammo all over.

My second question is one of doctrine. It seems like in Pact armies RPGs were handed out like candy down to the platoon level. How is/was the situation in NATO armies? Assuming a platoon/squad in Europe at "Good luck you're on your own" was fully kitted out, what would their M72/M136 supply look like? Would just weapons squads have them or would you see rifle squads carrying a few?

Would a rifle squad instead have M79/M203s to deal with emplacements and such?
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