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Old 04-02-2023, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b View Post
The LAW is what I was trained on in Basic and carried the first few years in the Army. Pretty much the entire quad had at least one, if not two or three. I even carried one even though most of the time I was the designated Dragon gunner (most of the units I was with, I was the only C2)

They are small, light, and useful for many purposes. But their performance against anything but light armor or the rear of heavier-armored vehicles suck. That's why the Army replaced them with the AT-4, which was unfortunately bigger and heavier and not as easy for the squad to load up on them. In Desert Storm, we only had four AT-4 gunners (I didn't have one, since I was toting the Dragon, along with an assistant gunner who carried a second round).

As I said, the LAW has a myriad of uses, and a squad can carry an S---load of them. Maybe that's why the Marines are reintroducing improved versions of the LAW,
When I shot LAW 72 target was stationary T-54 tank. I estimated that distance was 100 meters. Shot barely hit tank in lower hull. Only couple inches lower and it would have been miss.

Distance was 125 meters. LAW rocket doesn’t have flat trajectory and its very easy to miss target if you don’t know exact distance.

Antitank NCO told me that for basic grunt its pretty ok if you can hit stationery tank ranges less than 100 meters. Idea is to use mines to stop tanks and then finish them with LAW.

Antitank troops use Apilas. It packs larger warhead. Flat trajectory and faster rocket mean more range and its easier to hit moving targets. On downside Apilas is bulky weapon that weights 11 kilos.
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