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Old 06-17-2009, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Rainbow Six
From memory I don't think the RDF Sourcebook mentioned specific nuke targets.
Other than the generic "oil fields" and "refineries" the only specific target is Riyadh.

If anyone is interested in unit locations, the page below was a prototype I used to test a few things but it might be useful to someone who wants to figure what units are where.

This is a prototype and has many issues, like not listing the Country (in the on unit click popup) and collocated units are not represented (Only the largest unit at a single location is shown). I fixed those in my latest version (which is not ready).

Can you guys tell me how long the page takes to load and what browser you are using. First time load will most be longer than when you return to the page as a lot of the javascript will be cached.
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