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Old 10-11-2008, 01:27 PM
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Default What changes have you made to your project?

Planning the most realistic project I can has been a hobby of mine for years. I understand certain unrealistic things were added for ease of game play, but in general I find that annoying. There are certain things within the Morrow Project Canon that I just felt I had to change.

1). No Morrow time traveling.
I had a hard time believing this back story. I never understood where the super high tech came from if the nuclear war happened and civilization was pushed back hundreds of years technologically. When I read Project Phoenix's take on this, which was by intercepting radio messages from the future, they learned of the pending disaster. I chose to go in this direction.

2). No ULTRA tech
No coke bottle sized fusion plants. No universal antidotes. No hand held lasers. If these things were available a fully functioning "Star wars" missile defense system would be a better use of the money and technology.

My technology assumes that the project at any given time is about 10 years advanced from the real world technology. This is due to the fact that they are able to receive messages from themselves, in the future, telling them how to focus industrial research. Certain areas are further advanced (like materials technology) as in many cases these are limited by the timing of accidental discoveries not incremental gain (like raw computing power).

3). More supplies at every level
When I looked at the Morrow plan I was surprised at the small amount of equipment available. I always wondered what the plan was if a team had an emergency wake up 30 days after the strikes. My teams have over a full year of food dedicated for them in their 10 caches. Plus a cache to be accessed when they find a semi permanent home (a "Nesting" cache). Additionally for every 5 teams or so there is a dedicated agricultural cache to allow multi-year survival in case a team wakes up very early.

Expecting teams to offer protection or trade goods for food seemed very unrealistic to me. Most communities would still be struggling given it is only supposed to be five years after the war.

4.)Bolt Holes are not disposable
I know the point of this was to force the teams out into the world, but what a waste of effort. You have heavy concrete construction and obviously some sort of communication gear and power supplies and you just leave them behind. Never understood that.

5.) No Vehicle engine Sized Fusion Plants
To be honest I never saw how that was possible. My vehicles for the most part use a Multi-fuel/electric engine system. I have fusion plants as small as 1250kg, which can be used to charge the vehicles, or they can be run on alcohol or biodiesel. Both of which can be manufactured by the teams if necessary (equipment included in the nesting cache)

6.)Military and Government Involvement
I know that any government involvement invites security issues, but in my game I see it necessary for at least minimal government support. In many ways I kind of see it as a reverse of the "Glomar explorer" type of mission. Where instead of the government asking for an Industrialist's support. The industrialists seek out a few key members of the military and the intelligence services.

7.) Multiple Primes
Allowing a project of this size to have such an obvious single point of failure baffles me. At least put a back up facility on an Island somewhere.

Again I like the Phoenix Projects take on this. In that case command bases are unable to shut off their time shift equipment, keeping them trapped outside the normal time line.

8.) No giant mutant lizards
I can accept sci-fi in my games. I am actually going to have a Stargate program exist in my morrow world, but that type of mutation is just unrealistic.

All in all I love the rebuilding concept of morrow I just felt these changes needed to be made in my game.
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