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Old 08-04-2023, 04:04 PM
Heffe Heffe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 225

It's been 14 years since anyone mentioned it in this thread, but I'll second the recommendation on the Sharpe novels (later turned Sharpe's Rifles tv series). It's a bit Mary Sue-ish, but it covers small unit action in the Napoleonic Wars. Lots of great ideas in here.

On that note, and this is probably a bit out of left field, but I would HIGHLY recommend the Gaunt's Ghosts series. It's Warhammer 40k set, small unit fiction by the same guy that wrote Guardians of the Galaxy, and the 12? books so far are an absolute joy to read. Really fantastic descriptions of battles (albeit often against demons and cultists) and strong character building. And as with Sharpe, definitely more than a few scenario ideas that can be pulled out of the series for use in T2k.
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