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Old 12-04-2023, 10:30 PM
Vespers War Vespers War is online now
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Originally Posted by kato13 View Post
Happened to Stumble across a fully legal version on youtube'
That channel also has a bunch of the Showa era Godzilla films, which is making me wonder how to do a kaiju. Traveller: The New Era has some creature creation rules, but for size they only go up to 44 tonnes, while the Official Godzilla Compendium puts early Godzilla at 20,000 tonnes.

Extrapolating out on the table, he'd be Size 4989, with 5003d20 hits (or~52,500 Hits taking average die rolls) and x1666D6 as a modifier to damage dice (or ~5800D6 for a Dam 1 attack like the tail, while the claws and teeth would either be 1d6 or 1d6-1 for the number to multiply by 5800).

Depending on which table entries were rolled, claws could be either Pen 554 or 624, teeth would be either Pen 499 or 624, and the tail slap would be Pen 713.

The table for armor doesn't cover creatures this size; under RAW he'd be Armor 3 simply because that's the highest entry on the table and it's maxed out by his size modifier.

The lack of an appropriate armor table leaves game Godzilla a little weaker than film Godzilla, but that massive number of Hits and high Pen on the attacks would still make him dangerous.
The poster formerly known as The Dark

The Vespers War - Ninety years before the Twilight War, there was the Vespers War.
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