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Old 03-18-2024, 11:44 AM
castlebravo92 castlebravo92 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tegyrius View Post
Yep. The NATO Vehicle Guide's West German OOB makes it pretty explicit that some East German units sided with West/Reunified Germany immediately. 27th and 29th Panzer Divisions and 21st, 24th, and 211th Panzergrenadier Divisions are all former East German formations that turned on the Soviets in October-November 1996. (28th PzGren is also ex-East German but the unit history doesn't mention whether it flipped immediately.)

- C.

v1 says:

"In September, a third call for troops from Eastern Europe was
made, to be ready for movement by mid-October whether their
equipment and training were complete or not. On October 7th,
1996, the Bundeswehr crossed the frontier between East and
West Germany and began attacking Soviet garrison units still in
the country. The army of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) remained quietly in barracks."


"By the end of November, the Bundeswehr was in serious trouble.
Soviet Frontal Aviation had left their most modern aircraft in the
west; these were qualitatively a match for the Luftwaffe and
quantitatively more than a match. As the Bundeswehr lines began
to crumble, high ranking officers of the East German Army made
their move. In a bloodless coup, the civilian leaders of the country
were deposed and replaced with a military junta. Two days later
the new government ordered the army into the field against the
Pact forces in the country and formally requested intervention on
their behalf by NATO."

So there's a month and a half between the kick-off (Oct 7) and the fold in of East German forces into combat against the Russians.

One of the big problems with the 2 month West Germany goes alone scenario is a lot of FRG bases were shared NATO bases. I can't imagine the USSR/WP forces fighting a purely defensive war and not striking FRG bases with conventional ballistic missiles and air strikes and thus inflicting casualties on US / British forces.
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