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Old 03-25-2017, 03:30 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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One of the first thing any resource poor military ditches is a sidearm, better to have everyone equipped with some sort of working rifle.

I wonder if a model for the Cavalry would be something closer to Teddy Roosevelts Rough Riders? Which seemed to hit more the transitional stage the cavalry in Lonestar would be at.

e.g. mostly mounted infantry, whilst still having cavalry skills and starting to use light artillery and machine guns?

I think if the cavalry had faced any sort of serious opposition with modern rifles and the ammunition to practise marksmanship. Then high visibility blue uniforms with yellow stripes would be seen as an act of madness and lead to mutiny.

But if not and if communications are poor literally being able to see where your troops are on the field from a hill top with a telescope becomes an advantage

As it is it does raise an interesting question of what technology would a society rebuilding prioritise?

If radio communication was an essential way of getting fast reports from recon troops and moving limited forces where needed, would rebuilding even the most primitive of sets become an absolute priority?

Conversely if most of the foes you faced were bandits who couldn't shoot straight. Then would any rifle that shot accurately out to 200 yards however poor the ROF be all that you needed?
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