Thread: FM DeCorba
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Old 03-13-2009, 02:05 AM
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Default vehicles

Originally Posted by FMDeCorba
Just to clarify a point: I didn´t intend to let, or saw any mention of my vehicles being drafted?
Anyway, I organize a fortified recon patrol with JABO support and set out to solve my task.

Unless you can field an independent air capability and fuel it ,there is no air support save for absolutely necessary CASEVAC or CAS missions in the event of serious contact due to shortages on fuel and parts.

If you do not field the vehicles the whole idea of using the unit for recce,patrol and qrf missions falls to pieces and your men will be either dispersed among units that have motorized/mechanized capacity ,and the unit disbanded OR the unit disbanded and the men discharged with 2 days worth of pay -AFTER the patrol has been conducted .

Thats up to you.

The vehicles needed to keep your unit within the accepted degree of mechanization/motorization is not ALL of your gear - but I cant rightly say how much right now ,as I havent got that info /your inventory here .

Anyways - the patrol is uneventful as far as going through bandit infested country with ravaged lands and suffering refuges goes .

As stated - there seems to be little or no authority anywheres , but in between the stretches of devestated lands in violent anarchy ,there are pockets or enclaves of people who have organized -like Eureka- on a smaller scale. Some are just a few farmers and a fortified homestead , others are several hundreds in improvised fortifications in the towns along the coast .The size and armament of your patrol ,and the tactical approach wards of most confrontations , but a few snipers take potshots from the hills - just to make you know that the area is contested with and that the last inning hasnt started.

Most people react with cautious suspicion towards you ,followed bu requests for food and aid as soon as it is clear that you have no bad intentions - this time .

No one agrees to any sort of compromise as far as authority goes .They dont open anything fo rinspection and both sides cover eachother mutually while talks are in progress.

The tiresome assignment leaves you sure of one thing as you return :
straightening out this mess will take decades or 50 000 well armed and well supplied men and heavy gear to match deployed instantly .Chasing a band of elusive bandits with military traiing and experience trough the woods up here in the NorthCal - it will be a war with no end .

On the other hand , there is plenty of work for someone in the right business.
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