Thread: TW2k13
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Old 03-20-2017, 10:08 PM
Milano Milano is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: California, Unided States
Posts: 61

I have access to all of the information but I want to find the equation to make the data. That they come up with. There are inconsistencies in their published data and before I just guesstimate I would like to know why or what they did to come up with it.

I have an Excel spreadsheet with ALL of their small arms on it but I don't want to post it because of copyright stuff.

But an example is the M21 weight is 5.2 length is 1118 mm. The speed is 4/6/9. The M16 DMR (their vernacular) is 5.4 length of 1187 speed of 4/6/8. Why the quicker speed? the M21 is both lighter and shorter.

Another example is the difference between the C7a2 and M16a3. Why does the M16a3 have a range of M/S and the C7 have a range of T/S?

Or the M4 has a recoil of 5, the 416 has a recoil of 4 yet the M4 weighs less?

Anyway, I am just a function freak or possibly my OCD is showing up but I dislike inconsistency.
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