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Old 02-17-2012, 05:01 PM
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Medic Medic is offline
Resident Medic, Crazy Finn
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: In the cold north called Finland
Posts: 265

I served as a conscript a while before the millenium in the Finnish Rapid Deployment Forces (most of my basic training mates went to Kosovo after their conscript service) until my knee got busted in the service by a fellow serviceman, got transferred out for a bit over a year and ended up in the Guard Jäger Regiment, where I did the rest of my service.

I originally served as a FO in a Jäger (=Infantry) Coy and upon the re-entry evaluation I was called in front of the board, led by the then-brigadier general, who was in charge of the military district I lived in. He suggested arty for me, at which point I stated 'I've been trained as a Jäger and there's no way one can turn me in to an artillerist'. The senior lieutanant who was serving the board as a scribe looked like he'd be shitting bricks the very moment but the BG just laughed and I got assigned to the Guard, where I ended up serving overtime due to a clerical error.

After my service, I've been training other reservists in infantry weapons (from the pistols to anti-tank rockets) and even more in combat medicine, due to my civilian education in the field - the guys did laugh at me, when I had the medic patch on my sleeve and a sniper rifle on my back (then again, the Geneva Convention does not actually state, what kind of a weapon a medic is allowed to carry for self defence, I think). As a civvie, I've worked as a primary nurse, emergy medical technician (or rather, the Finnish equivalent), a paramedic, a surgical technician and a scrub nurse. I'm about to finish my Registered Nurse degree and work as a Recovery Room nurse at the local university hospital.

I'll just say, my current allotment in the reserves is with the territorial company, which means I get more active days in the service than the average reservists, though even my active days are pretty much effected by the budget cuts.

Last edited by Medic; 02-17-2012 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Just adding a funny detail
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