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Old 03-20-2015, 10:27 PM
swaghauler swaghauler is offline
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Originally Posted by Adm.Lee View Post
I think you guys are leaning towards the idea that lower-skill (and/or lower-AGL) shooters might fire off more bullets per "shot"? That's an interesting idea. Given that the players I've run into don't like the math already involved, I'd have a hard time getting that into the "playable" range
Actually I was trying to explain the opposite. A novice shooter can barely get off 1 round per second. An expert shooter could fire up to 4 rounds per second. A master level shooter (in IDPA matches anyway) can fire up to 10 rounds in that same single second. If your wanted to portray this in game, then there are two factors that would affect rate of fire (in semi). The first is "hand-eye" coordination, and the second is the shooter's skill (representing the speed of aiming and recoil recovery). If you are using a 1 second phase system (6 or 7 Initiative points), then the character's ROF with SA firearms should be either his/her RAW (non Asset) Small Arms skill or his/her AGL; Whichever is LESS. This should be the maximum number of shots he or she could fire in a 1 second phase.
I split the ROFs into 1/2 skill or 1/2 AGL above because GDW was using 1/2 a second for determining an automatic weapon's ROF. If they had been using a 1 second scale for ROF, the average numbers would be 10 (600 rpm) and 20 (1200 rpm). My theory (like GDW's I'm guessing) is that if the average phase is 1 second; the first 1/2 second would be for initial aiming and the actual shooting would occur in the second half of the 1 second in question. Take note however, just because a Master pistol shooter can fire 10 shots a second (1/10th second split times), doesn't mean he would. It also doesn't mean he would hit what he's shooting at. In certain situations however; The higher rate of fire an expert pistol shooter can manage might change the balance of power in a shootout.

Last edited by swaghauler; 03-20-2015 at 10:34 PM.
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