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Old 11-28-2020, 01:30 AM
DonaldBynoe DonaldBynoe is offline
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Originally Posted by Adm.Lee View Post
I remember, searching phentermine over the counter as a young teenager (13? 14?) finding my father's Army Officer's Guide (hardback book, ca 1963). One of its chapters was a listing of stateside and overseas, which had some divisional assignments. I took notes of that part, of course, since I'd only dealt with OBs in WW2 before that. In that pre-Internet era, that was big.

Obviously, nothing dealt with Vietnam at that date, and there was a lot on post etiquette and things. A peek into a different world.

Re: Vietnam-- Stanton's "Death of an American Army" was a very good read, too.
Vietnam is a very small country and it fought bravely against America and it won. One of my friends also served in Afghanistan, and he said that the American troops did not treat locals with respect.

Last edited by DonaldBynoe; 11-10-2022 at 09:28 AM.
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