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Old 11-07-2010, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by mikeo80 View Post
IMO, there is something we have not covered in the discussion. One of the building blocks that TMP was counting on was that there would be survivors with skills. There would be doctors, engineers, steel workers, etc. These people would still have the knowledge base to assist TMP in the rebuilding.
Actually Mike...

This is one of the biggest reasons why i stated that TMP set up the 'Camp in a Box' as it's being called. These camps would allow TMP to find out WHO the survivors are and find out what skill-sets they possess and how best to use them during the rebuilding.

While FEMA camps would be doing the same thing, FEMA camps would be using (or abusing) their ability to redistribute Human Resources as the government administrators felt best (especially with the fact that FEMA has their own plans for breaking up families as they see fit).

Thus making the Project Camps a lot more preferable when compared to the Government run recovery operation. While TMP was meant to help the government rebuild after a TEOTWAWKI Event... it was going to need to be able to offer something that would allow it to continue operations with the kind of draconian laws that would be in effect with FEMA running the show.

Even the President will end up answering to the 'shadow government' in Mouth Weather... thus my feeling that TMP and Snake-Eaters were protected by pre-TEOTWAWKI Executive Orders, the same thing that gives FEMA all that power. Reagan had rolled the most draconian Executive Orders back, but Clinton had brought them back with a vengeance.

Thus the way the Displaced Person (DP) population in the 'New Confederacy' became Slaves in the same way that Indentured Servants became Slaves in the North American Colonies during the Colonial Period. And what caused the formation of Maxwell's Militia when the National Guard rebelled against the draconian measures that FEMA and Mount Weather were undertaking. And much to the Militia's heartbreak, gave the 'new confederacy' protection to set up a system that was totally against the ideals that the American Republic was founded upon.

Thus the two largest of the United States successor states are the Confederated American States (aka New Confederacy) and the Allied American States (aka Maxwell's Militia)... With the New Presidencies who lay a direct claim to the legacy of the United States by retaining the name of the country and constitution.

Including, ironically enough, the FEMA enclave Shadow Government centered around Mount Weather. Which includes parts of the pre-war states of West Virginia, Virgina and Maryland that is connected to the Potomac River to provide access to the sea.

The FEMA Enclave has many of the characteristics of New Confederacy, Maxwell's Militia and the New Presidencies... and giving messages and 'orders' to the various New Presidencies scattered all across the remains of the country (and most of the New Presidencies just give FEMA and Mount Weather lip service and 'tributes' every year to keep FEMA Overseers from showing up to screw things up).

Kentucky Free State isn't the only major threat to TMP that could also be a good asset in rebuilding the United States. FEMA and Mount Weather would be an excellent asset in Rebuilding the East Coast if paired up with Prime Base... the KFS could easily become the 'Arsenal for Democracy' in providing the industrial base for reconstruction (and the fight against the Warriors of Krell).
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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