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Old 10-04-2013, 09:55 AM
hyppoleonida hyppoleonida is offline
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Originally Posted by Gelrir View Post
The introduction to TMP 3rd Edition states, "In 1987, the Project carried out a complete updating of all the previously "stored" equipment, opening the buried and sealed chambers of the sleepers without waking them and leaving behind new equipment, vehicles, and the instruction manuals on how to operate them."

Interesting point: who did all this? Opening potentially several thousand boltholes and caches in a year, bringing in new vehicles, hauling off old ones .. and where did the old vehicles and equipment go to? The depots? Does that mean the depots have a lot of not-quite-state-of-the-art stuff stashed "out in back"?

Michael B.
Very likely, after all is not said anywhere that the Project's leaders - despite their affiliation to the industrial/military apparatus - should be a bunch of wasteful capitalists to throw away vehicles, weapons and equipment practically still in mothballs and fully functional.

Logically, they could always come in handy, once the MP Teams have established the basics of the Project, to swell the ranks and equip the new recruits.

By this same way, it's also possible introduce in our campaign even the more experimental and/or historical pieces of hardware, since it is likely that the same industrial / military apparatus behind the scenes of Bruce Morrow's project, may be the same behind the innumerable projects for the armed forces that eventually never took off nor saw widespread adoption but that - on paper - were the best and most advanced in their times.

I'm particularly fond of, just to name a few, the Colt SCAMP machine-pistol or the Hughes Lockless rifle/light machine gun system or the TRW Low Maintenance Rifle.
These are all valuable "high-tech" addition for any MP Team... can you just imagine what a surprise, when the players were to discover that their exceptional equipment in reality never got beyond a (very) limited production (for them no less!) ergo the prototype stage?

What a show!
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