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Old 10-10-2017, 09:37 PM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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Originally Posted by Olefin View Post
Just the fact that most of the water going to Southern CA comes from water pumped over the mountains from areas under US control means Mexico could never hold that whole area. If you really want to stretch it if they can keep control of the Yuma area they could keep the water flowing (it moves by gravity) to San Diego and the Imperial Valley. Other than that once the US cuts off the water thats the end of the Mexican occupation of any sizeable area.

And I dont see France supporting a country occupying parts of the US no matter what - thats pretty much an act of war that the US would not have forgotten. No way does the US help the French at all in the Kafer War. They would have let the French spin in the wind after that.
The French didn't, but the only way that Mexico could keep control of the American southwest after the Twilight War would be if they did support Mexico.
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