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Old 02-10-2009, 10:27 AM
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FMDeCorba FMDeCorba is offline
Field marshal with an itch
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 190

Nevertheless, it boils down to preferences of style.
All narrative entertainment relies on a certain level of what is called "suspension of disbelief", meaning that the zombie movie director(for instance) has to make a good effort at making the zombies seem "real", or it quickly becomes a really terrible movie. Or perhaps entertaining in a turkey sort of way.
I might be kinda picky, but i vastly prefer movies that are able to convince me that the portrayed firefights look and sound a bit like they do in reality to John Woo movies, for example.

If a character chooses to strap up with 6 different pistols and ammo, they should also be reminded that the rigs itch when they get sweaty, the pistols themselves will sometimes snag, sitting in a car with a revolver in your lower back will be pretty annoying etc. Being even slightly uncomfortable over several hours will lessen focus and performance for anyone, and hence should be reflected in some sort of fatigue penalty or otherwise.

Playing according to what is optimum "use" of the vanilla rules results in the protagonists being constantly clad in thick armor (rain or shine), always carrying an assortment of big bore rifles and shotguns and always carrying excactly the load allowed by the characters score without encumbrance, etc.-- Bad movie.

Fieldmarshal DeCorba
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