Thread: KFS Refit
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Old 05-24-2014, 12:37 AM
Capt Gideon Capt Gideon is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Eastern Minnesota SE of Fargo ND
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Default Rich 5 Army

I developed a Society that the Rich 5 developed into back in the 90s before I ever heard of the KFS. I took the concept of a society fashioned by corporate elitists and an old theory that the high quality people are at a disadvantage because the lower quality people reproduce faster. So drawing first on Sir Francis Galton, who gave use weather maps and eugenics, along with the statistical ideal of Regression toward the Mean, and then throwing in Ayn Rand mostly Atlas Shrugged with John Galt a picture of the society came together. The capital city would be named Atlas and the nation would be named Galtonia. I kept the slave society but used the French model with a number of slave rights, then introduced the concept that if a family had been workers (slaves) in good standing for three generations then the children could apply for military service. Upon completion of 4 years the in service was a freeman and after six his wife and children would be free. The service man could eventually serve long enough to free his parents as well. This encourage loyalty in the military because service meant freedom for the families. I saw the society having a caste system with limited ability to change ones status. I saw then using a developed rail system instead of a developed road network because a electrified rail system meant you can control the flow of people and goods while at the same time making it difficult to use against you when you control the power to the system.

Public education can also serve as a way of indoctrinating the youth of a society. The use of RFID chips by all members of society is another means of control. The very upper level of society may even have personal robots while the worker farmer may be using farm equipment from the 60s & 70s. There may well be universal health care, but the level and sophistication of the care will depend on the status in society.

The Rich 5 know of the Morrow Project and want to know more. Slavers may have bounties for project personnel and the Rich 5 may provide slavers with special high tech gear from time to time just to catch PC off guard.
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