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Old 11-08-2015, 02:24 PM
cosmicfish cosmicfish is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
Biowarfare agents are not natural.... No one has a antibodies to counter the antigens...... the odds of that are even lower than the statistical probabilities for influenza or pneumonic plague. These are cultured to produce NO immune response because their is nothing similar in existance to activate the white memory blood cells in the lymphatic system.
Biowarfare agents are based off of natural illnesses, modified to make them more effective as weapons (which is not always the same as "make them more lethal"). There are no bioweapons out there that are completely artificial, and even if there were the wide variety of human biology would still produce some percentage who either survived or took a very long time to die.

And if you are hypothesizing a new bioweapon that really does have these characteristics, who developed it, and why, and how are the teams waking up to anything but a barren wasteland devoid of human life?
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