Thread: T2K Lingua
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Old 08-24-2010, 05:36 AM
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Default Aufgepasst, meine Herren!

Or: "Listen, Gentlemen"
I try to take Mo's list and add a German Phrase, that comes close or some kind of translation:

1) A couvert: take cover. - "Geh(t) in Deckung!"; MilSpeac: "Stellung!!"
2) A droite: to the right. - "Nach rechts." oder "Auf der rechten Seite."
3) A gauche: to the left. - "Nach links." oder "Auf der linken Seite."
4) A terre: get down. - Hm, in MilSpeak that would be the same as No. 1). More freely translated it would be something like: "Runter auf den Boden!"
5) Attention: pay attention. - "Aufgepasst!"; MilSpeak: "Achtung."
6) Bougez vous les gars: move it boys. - "Bewegung, Jungs." or: "Bewegt euch, Jungs."
7) Dégage connard: get off, jerk. - "Verpiss dich, du Penner!" It's the same as: Piss off.
8) En avant les gars: move forward boys. - "Geht nach vorne" would be the translation of the English words, but I'm not certain, if this is what Mo meant
9) Feu: shoot. - "Feuer!!!"
10) Halte au feu: hold your fire. - MilSpeak: "Stopfen" as short form, or: "Feuer einstellen!"
11) Halte où je tire: stop or I’ll shoot. - "Stehenbleiben, oder ich schieße!"
12) Je me rends: I surrender. - "Ich ergebe mich!"
13) La cible est sur la côte 22 or La Cible est aux coordonnées… : target is on coordinnate… - "Zielkoordinaten:..." Well, the things that would follow are quite cryptical to me.
14) Main en l’air : hands up. - "Hände hoch!"
15) Mercy: thanks. - "Danke." or, more polite: "Danke schön."
16) Montez, vite : get on, quick. - "Los, schnell!" ("Schnell machen/Make snell" is something I've heard in some old English movie, but that would not be used by a German! Although: If a American soldier would use these words towards a German, he would understand.)
17) Ne tirez pas: hold your fire. - Same as 10)
18) Putain, touche pas: shit, nooo or don’t touch (as you like). - "Scheiße, nein!!" or "Nicht anfassen!" or "Pfoten weg!" The last would be translated as : Put your hands away from that object, but in a more familiar or colloquial manner.
19) Rendez vous: surrender. "Ergebt euch." to a group, or: "Ergib dich!" to a single person.
20) S’il vous plait : please. - "Bitte."
21) Stop: freeze. - "Stop!" or "Stehenbleiben!"
22) Touche pas connard: don’t touch that, you asshole. - "Fass das nicht an, (du) Arschloch!"

A word on "Achtung": It has several meanings. It can be used like in:"Beware. That twig might slam into your face." On the other hand it is used as a kind of military command word: If a higher ranking NCO or officer enters a room, someone calls out: "Achtung!". Everybody stands straight, facing the officer.

English curse words are quite common amongst Germans: "Shit!" or "Fuck" in special.
I'm from Germany ... PM me, if I was not correct. I don't want to upset anyone!

"IT'S A FREAKIN GAME, PEOPLE!"; Weswood, 5-12-2012
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