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Old 03-22-2016, 05:09 AM
Louied Louied is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 244

I know I was going out on limb but the backstory I concocted was based on some IRL past Australian Defence Policy. (Up until just after Suez, Australia planned on forming a "3rd AIF" to serve in the Middle East).

-between August & October 1995 Australia began making plans to slightly increase its force posture (de-linking of Bns/Regts was put in motion). Recruitment was still on a voluntary basis, however after a long debate, conscription into the Reserves was initiated (The Defence (Reserve Forces) Act 1995. Just as in 1943 the Act regulated the area where "National Service" personnel could serve, Australia and its Territories plus north to the equator, bounded by the 110th meridian to the West and the 159th meridian to the East.)

- December 1995 28th (ANZUK) Inf Bde is reformed. U.S. & U.K. first approach Australia about providing a force for the ME (Oman had already asked the Brits for troops in late October)

- March 1996 Australia announces that an "Australian Expeditionary Force" (I also toyed with the idea of naming it "Australian Intervention Force" to get he AIF initials, any thoughts ?) would be formed from Volunteers for overseas service. Plans are for a reinforced Bde Grp, and recruiting is opened to Regular Army and Reserves (both volunteer and National Service personnel). The response is so massive that plans are revised to make it Div sized and personnel flow is regulated. (What I did, for example, was to form a "3rd/1st BN, The Royal Australian Regt" and specified one Regular and three Reserve Bns to provide volunteers to it. I did this with all of the units in the AEF.)

- June 1996 the first units begin to arrive at a newly opened U.S. training camp in the Sinai, Egypt. (Offered by the Egyptians after a massive dose of money and military aid).

Ok how does it sound so far ??

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