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Old 12-14-2009, 10:56 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Great piece of writing Kato. Glad you had it stored somewhere. I would expect the media to evolve over time. Indeed, I can see things starting as described with almost full coverage from the West and full black out in the East.

Then, when the West will start to reduce media coverage, the Warsaw Pact my go the other way around, although still controlling things.

The West will reduce media coverage for several reasons: journalist security, need to keep some shadow on military operations and, as time goes by, need to cover their own war crimes, abuses and military failures.

For the Warsaw Pact it would be the opposite. War crimes and abuses will be dissimulated from the beginning and remain so. Military failures will remain somewhat taboo. Journalists security won't be an issue and media coverage will come from propagandists and political commissars. However, they would probably stop to hide a good part of the situation at the front. They will probably remember their WW2 experience when that proved disastrous. After several defeat and faced with the general lack of fighting spirit, they will probably abandon communist propaganda to focus on the nation again (they might do that surprisingly early). They will give more accurate reports of the situation but they will amphasize on war heroes (You should watch the movie Stalingrad). They will focus on NATO warcrimes and, after a time, you can be sure that there will be plenty.

The other problem will be the diffusion of these medias. First, they will use the entire technological array with world broadcast using satellite network, Internet, national coverage... But that won't last as access to these will become limited and much technolgical materials will be lost. Then, images will remain the norm along with radio broadcasts but at a more local level. Internet if any was available will be gone, cell phones will be out of order and direct image will be impossible to transmit directly. After that fails too, they will turn to newspaper again and very limited broadcasts. Information will become increasingly inaccurate and often outdated (it could take weeks before some news get to the diffusion media). Finally, most news will become unverified rumors on all sides. In my setting I have the Mexican-american war started because of a false news (by several US newspaper) stating that the Mexicans are killing US citizens in refugee camps (absolutely false in my case and, in fact, a made-up report by some obscure US novelist turned journalist). You'll have plenty of crazy rumors with NATO accusing the Warsaw Pact of using biological and chemical weapons on unprecedented scale. Rumors of Pact soldiers eating manflesh, burning people in furnace... Rumors within the Warsaw Pact of NATO serial killers units wreaking havoc in eastern cities and raping everyone from men and women to kids and goats...

Just let your imagination go wild.

In the past, British and French propaganda of WW1 had accused the German Imperial Army of what the Nazi will do in ww2. When the first Nazi war crimes were reported, it was discarded by many because of what was said during ww1. Sadly, this time, it was true.

Another exemple is that of the first Gulf War When Iraqi soldiers were accused in front of UN of tearing babies out of incubators and killing babies.

These happened at a time where media were in working order, what if it is not the case anymore?
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