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Old 08-18-2009, 01:27 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Default My favorite TEOTWAWKI

I know this is a T2K forum. But the best Morrow Game I was ever in was a nightmare that we played on a PBEM.

BASIS: The U.S.A. collapses in an economic freefall due to wild overspending by the government. (It made the chaos in Zimbabwe look like a pillow fight.)

With the economic collapse, the govt. "invited" the UN to intervene to help "stabilize the situation".

Our bolthole was in Florida. We were tasked with the recovery of the library at the U. of Fla. The bolt hole was powered by the local power grid with a massive battery backup. The idea was that after the power quit in a war scenario, the battery would keep the bolt hole functioining for 30 days. At that point we would be awakened and our mission was to begin.

Well, of course, Murphy HAD to step in. The power grid survived...sort of. It would rotate power outages. That kept us in deep sleep for five years...

We woke to a Florida that was reduced to abject poverty with any survivors trying their best to live as subsistance farmers. Also, the UN had managed to amend the Constitution so that ALL of the first ten amendments were null and void.

All I will tell you is that our mission went up in FLAMES!!!

We died defending several small towns from a massive UN military intervention. It seems that the UN had a SERIOUS case of the a** about ANYONE who owned and used firearms.
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