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Old 01-09-2017, 06:09 AM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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Posts: 254

"So when the refugees show up on the Prime Base doorstep...."

Must be some hardy refugees to wander across miles of desert only to encounter Prime Base nestled in the mountains located above the Black Rock playa. It must have been hundreds, drawn from the surrounding 8,000 square miles (from 50 miles away) that made the journey. Finding the refugee camp to be so well run with plenty of food, water, and shelter that some left to journey, across the desert, to other nearby communities up to a hundred miles away to tell those survivors of the great Camp Morrow refugee center. After the first couple of weeks, some smart person decided to use some old school buses to transport the flood of refugees from Reno to Camp Morrow.

Considering the population density of northwest Nevada is it reasonable to expect that there would be a large number of refugees at the camp?


Considering the importance of Prime Base to the Morrow Project, is it reasonable to expect that the board of directors and/or military commander, now emotionally overwhelmed with an immense level of compassion, rarely seen in corporate board rooms concerning the average working person, to agree to the establishment of a refugee camp, whose existence significantly increases the risk to PB, anywhere within fifty miles of PB, knowing the amount of effort and money that went into the erection of PB?

No. The screening process that MP used would have selected leaders for Prime Base that were not that stupid, not that emotional.

If you believe in the fusion power packs you have to believe that MP's HR department would be able to select people for such important positions that were not so emotional and not so dumb.
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