Thread: What do u do?
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Old 11-27-2010, 05:24 AM
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I listed myself as a GM in the poll even though I haven't actually run a T2K game in almost 15 years. Still, that's more recent than the last time I was a player, which would have been 1986 or 87. My interest in the game has come and gone over the years, for various reasons, primarily because most of that time I just couldn't find people to play it, or because we were playing some other game, or just not having the time to get into T2K.

Anyway, a little over a year ago I wound up at some little store in a nearby town, and there was a shelf of out of print RPG products. As I'm going through the stack, mostly the 1st and 2nd edition D&D books I expected would be there, I start seeing Twilight 2000 books, several of which I didn't have (yet). Normally, I consider the phrase "pleasant surprise" to be a contradiction in terms, but I guess there's an exception for everything.
To make the story short, I spent what I had in my wallet, and approximately doubled my T2K collection. Still a few things missing, but give it time....

Well, I could say more, but maybe that's better is other threads. And, I'd hate for my FNG post to be too longwinded.
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