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Old 04-21-2017, 01:29 PM
unkated unkated is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Eastern Massachusetts
Posts: 416

Bravo, very nice. I particularly liked the future PM, with a writing career in the interim.

The only things I would consider adding is in the Character Creation appendix for V2, consider adding to the list of subsequent skills...
  • Civil Engineering, used for dealing with ruined buildings (how likely is it that this heap will collapse; what route do we pick so its least likely to collapse; what do we have to prop up/ move in order to get through here, etc).
  • Climbing, used for safely clambering up or down as needed.
Also, if you wish, I can show you how to put a little more space between the sidebars & pictures and the text (or you can send me the file for a formatting upgrade).

Uncle Ted
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