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Old 10-26-2009, 02:39 PM
simonmark6 simonmark6 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Swansea, South Wales, UK
Posts: 374

Name: Jack Griffith
Nationality: Canadian
Gender: Male
Service Branch: Support
Age: 33
Weight: 80kg
Throw Range: 20m
Initiative: 3
Rank: Corporal
Rads: 20
Load: 30kg

Strength: 5
Rifle 5/10
Pistol 3/8
Unarmed MA: 3/8
Thrown weapon: 1/6
Autogun: 1/6
Grenade launcher: 0/5

Constitution: 5

Agility: 5
Ground Vehicle, Wheeled: 4/9
Tactical Missile: 0/5
Electronics: 2/7
Forgery: 2/7

Education: 5
Computer: 5/10

Charisma: 6
English: 10/16
French: 3/9
Persuasion: 3/9
Instruction; 1/7
Leadership: 1/7

Intelligence: 6
Survival 2/8
Tracking: 2/8
Scrounging: 4/10

Signiature Weapons or Kit:
Para Ordanance P-14

Griffith has spent his life looking for easier ways to do things. He studied computer sciences at college because he was under the impression that getting in on the buisness at the ground floor would be a sure way to riches.
He found out however, that computers wasn't just about sitting on your backside and looking at a screen and he quickly got into pirating software and videos. He got further and further into the black market until the war started and he really began to make money.
Finally, the heat got too much for Griffith and he tried to eascape prosecution by joining the army. Despite not enjoying people shooting at him, he found his true niche. As a supply clerk he always had the best kit for himself and for his unit. his kit is still almost pristine despite the years of fighting, now he finds that the skills he'd used to make his life comfortable were now needed to keep himself and his friends alive.

*Design Notes: I decided to make Griffith Canadian in homage to James Garner's character in "The Great Escape".
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