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Old 11-17-2009, 03:13 PM
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Default G11 rounds

Is something like a presicion high pressure molded high explosive..not what you would be able to make in a village shop..

Originally Posted by Rainbow Six View Post
I'll have a good hunt and see if I can track it down...wont be for a while though as I'm on holiday as off Thursday night so wont be around a PC for two and a half weeks

Sounds reasonable enough...Royal Ordnance is probably a good bet for that...having a working weapons production facility in Dagenham could open up some very interesting adventure possibilities, even if it was only producing small amounts of weapons.

Not speaking with any sort of knowledge, but like Legbreaker, gut feeling would be more difficult. My main reason for stating that is that the various versions of canon always suggested that whilst G11's themselves were not uncommon, the ammunition was rare as the round was entirely consumed.
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