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Old 12-19-2011, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by mikeo80 View Post
3) No support team: I see what you are saying, but there is the other side of the coin:

(Picture if you will, a KGB officer and his control)

"Yes, sir, a platoon of US Army SF in the middle of Michigan. Yes, sir. No visible base. Yes, sir, the USSF are stationed Around the structures you see pictured here....."

Now a FROZEN SF force....that could be NASTY!!!! Wakes up upon first alert from Damocles. Soon as team crosses mine field, or starts shooting support towers, or other wise makes a nuisance of self. By the time team penetrates entrance bunker, there is a 12 man A-Team ready, willing and ABLE to stop you.

REALLY,REALLY NASTY: SF wakes when MRU destroyed....Damocles has instant link to MRU, Damocles KNOWS this is built on M60, knows (probably to last decimal place) how much force needed to destroy MRU, so that IF MRU stops transmitting that abrupt, like a TOW or Armbrust into the guts of MRU, even if team can pull this off without observation....SF Team wakes up.


That can be explained. Damocles is in the state he is in because of the wargames software. Presumably the "Frozen SF Team" which is "Out of Play" for the test scenario and it would be unlikely the Scientists would be made aware of the Teams existence. The scientists would be lead to believe the Bots are the only security. So "Asset A" has remained frozen for 150 years, until Damocles is reset and damage alarms signal the "Asset A" cryotubes to awaken their sleepers.

Want to be even more vicious? It is not an SF Team at all. Dun dun DUN. It is civilian cryosleep researchers who have volunteered to test the long endurance cryosleep system for Damocles support staff and guardians. Yep, no weapon skills, no survival skills, and certainly unprepared to wake up 150 years after Ragnarok.
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