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Old 06-04-2017, 06:06 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
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Per canon the military formations are growing their own food by 1999 in the US and overseas - so pretty obviously they got what they needed to grow food the old fashioned way - they took it by force! Or they gathered up the local farmers and had them grow it for them in exchange for protection

In other words the cantonments are the feudal system all over again with the local lord protecting the farmers who in turn feed the lord and his troops.

So you cant say - well there is no way they would be growing their own food so I agree with canon desertion rates because they would be starving - when canon says they have been growing their own food for two years

thats why the fires flush that unit out of North Carolina - because the fires burn up the crops they were growing and leave them no choice

And Simon - definitely want to add to the canon - the issue is that trying do so in North America, given the contradictions, errors and other issues with HW and Kidnapped you either have to say "nope not going to write in NA" so I dont ruffle feathers and instead describe areas like East Africa that werent previously described - or I have to face it head on, correct the canon as much as possible or put my spin on it and go from there - and as I said that's definitely going to cause issues

and frankly there are lots of good stories in NA and the time is coming to face facts that HW needs to be revised or corrected - and that the events and timeline that Loren came up with - as well as the drought itself - are problematic and need to be corrected - notice I said corrected - not ignored, not completely rewritten but corrected

starting with addressing the incorrect desertion rates and other obvious inconsistencies and the fact that the sub made it home - and what happens afterward with the scientists and a sub to provide power to the Cape May or Norfolk area from its reactors

and that a one year short fall in rain can be addressed with irrigation techniques that go back 7000 years - and that dont need electricity to make them work - you can do it with manpower alone - if the Sumerians did it then the Americans can

Last edited by Olefin; 06-04-2017 at 06:21 PM.
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