Thread: War Dogs...
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Old 07-20-2009, 03:19 AM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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No but that should be interesting. Moreover, dogs could be useful not only for combat. I can easily imagine a character coming from some rescue service and still having his rescue dog with him. What could be interesting also is that some dogs can prove as dangerous for the target as for the owner (Doberman, pit fighting dogs...).

From what I know the german were using mostly Belgian shepperd Dog (Malinois) as guard dog.
Some years ago I owned two Beaucerons (French shorthaired sheeperd) and they were terrific as guard dogs but you had to go with some rules as they could become higly dangerous dogs. In wars, these dogs had been used as messengers, supply carriers, mine detection (I didn't know that one) and rescue.
Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds are very impressive and were both used for war.

Actually, animals could be interesting in many ways (outside ending up as dish) and they are largely undercovered by T2K (IMO). After all, Rome was saved by its sacred geese.
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