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Old 07-22-2017, 09:03 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 153

Of course one question is how good is Morrow training?

Granted the rule books give the impression it's little more than basic infantry training (which is of course no mean feat), but combined with a lack of actual combat experience. Then most Morrow Project members are going to be greener than a Granny Smith Apple.

With MARS most likely being a core of veteran soldiers from extremely diverse backgrounds.

But if they had to train a small group of specialist combat troops how well could they achieve this?

It's worth noting that the concept of genuine elite/special forces didn't really exist before WW2. Although of course there were very many highly experienced, go anywhere units such as the US Marines.

But from SOE, to the SAS and the US Special Forces and OSS there were a great many trained up. It is possible to train some impressive skills in a relatively short period of time if the candidate has potential.

So it's not impossible that a small elite section of both Recon and MARS with the natural psychological profile and physical fitness. Would be hived off from the rest of the trainees and given an additional 6 months or maybe a year's worth of intensive training. The project more so even than the most elite military units isn't part of a larger military organisation so this training could be excpetionally personalised more like 1 2 1 coaching.

Would it work? Would intensive training ever beat real world experience? Probably not, but certainly it would give team members more of a fighting chance.
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