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Old 07-02-2017, 09:22 PM
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kalos72 kalos72 is offline
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Of course, my T2k game will be different bu its VERY similar to what Morrow was expecting his project to encounter I would think, just shit went sideways.

So with Dragoon's number, you expect to have roughly 60 facilities, not including supply or regional bases and the like, again roughly?

Thats like one per county or something. Or are some of them housing multiple teams anyway? I am having a very hard time seeing the structure in MP honestly.

I am organizing it by County, every populated County will need some basic things. A doctor, an engineer, leaders of the various types, someone that knows health and safety issues, security and possibly some science.

If your science guys are all in one, two, five bases across the state now he has to cross half the state, with areas in various degrees of reconstruction hopefully, to get to the area he is most needed?

Again, please dont take my questions as arguments or doubts, just trying to figure out the way most people organize or structure their games, focusing on the state/county level.
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