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Old 01-11-2011, 06:18 AM
perardua perardua is offline
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Originally Posted by TiggerCCW UK View Post
We're being over run by crab air..... :-)

As far as the accuracy of the L85 etc goes, most of my experience was with the L98 cadet GP rifle, and to be honest I could barely hit the side of a barn with it. From inside the barn. At the same time, using the L81A1 target rifle I was shooting consistent 2" groups at 600 yards with iron sights. I didn't use the L85A1 much (for some reason they were a bit leery of giving sprog cadets automatic weapons...) but I found it to be similar with iron sights, but the SUSAT definitely made a difference.
Someone has to represent the British military!

The L98, in my opinion, has little to do with the L85 (either model) other than being the same general shape, and should never be spoken of again due to it's possibly satanic origins. Awful, awful weapon. The L85A2, on the other hand, as I will keep saying, is an accurate and extremely reliable rifle with the added feature of being unlikely to be stolen, as no-one else wants one.
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