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Old 02-09-2015, 08:51 PM
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RandyT0001 RandyT0001 is offline
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Default MP Training - Formations, Movement and Tactics

Leaders of MP teams receive training in tactics sufficient to negate the -10% penalty for untrained skill checks. Other MP personnel can choose tactics as a skill from basic (Core) MP training. Tactics can be used to augment initiative. It seems that all MP personnel are given some rudimentary military training concerning formations, movement, fields of fire, etc. How extensive is that training for your MP world and what does it include?

For my game I assume that they know the three different formations: line, column, and file. (Are there others?) The individual members of the team know their assigned field of fire for each formation. The team uses traveling, overwatch, or bounding overwatch techniques for movement. They know how to conduct a patrol, use a scout/point man, and maintain a tactical reserve while dispensing maximum firepower. They know how to set up a base of fire and an attack element to assault a positon. They know how to set up a perimeter defense. They are trained in retrograde actions and how to break contact. Finally, they know how to set up an ambush and how to counter an ambush if they are caught in one.

The team recieves training similar to basic infantry training. However, this "military" training is between Dale Dye's "Warriors, Inc." and actual US Army / Marine training.

I have never been in the military therefore if I have overlooked an essential element in this training please tell me so I can include it.

Comments, suggestions?
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