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Old 10-16-2012, 05:36 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Default Alas Babylon, part II

I had to purchase a new copy of Alas Babylon the other day. My old copy went to that great black hole that is my closet.

After re-reading AB for the umpteenth time, I started thinking.

1) Fort Repose is an EXCELLENT example of the type of community the MP was designed to assist.

2) Col. Paul Hart, mentined early in the book, re-appears at the end, promising some help from surviving US Government. THis is approx 1 year after "The Day".

My thoughts went along this line.

For sake of argument, Morrow works in this time line. (Late 1950's to early 1960's) TM 1-1 tech levels.

Morrow comes on line approx three years after "The Day". This was the proposed time line in TMP.

Let us say, it is five years after "The Day".

What would you expect to find in Fort Repose?
Who would still be alive?
What would be the result of USG help vs TMP help?

I say that Ft Repose is probably not much changed. Biggest difference, there is probably some electricity due to Morrow Fusion Plants in Vehicles. Water is probably easier to come by again due to Morrow. If "Bragg's Troop" has ANY trouble with outsiders, TMP team should be able to resolve quickly.

Govt. response probably focused on medical supplies for Dan Gunn. He is the type of GP that a town needs. Dedicated and focused on PEOPLE, not money.

Preacher Henry probably gone.
Admiral Hazzard might be gone.
Bill McGovern Probably alive. Starting to fail.
Alice and Florence probably alive, but starting to fail.
Rita Hernandez probably alive. May have had some cancer.
Dan Gunn married to Helen Bragg.
Randy and Elizabeth still married.
Ben Franklin married. Probably a member of "Bragg's Troop"
Peyton studying with Elizabeth to be a psych major.
Caleb married. Excellent farmer, fisher, maybe even vet. Might have been able to find replacement for Balaam the mule.
Two-Tone still married to Missiouri.
Hanna Henry might still be alive. Getting VERY old.

Fort Repose had approx 3,500 before "The Day". Now I would guess 2,500-3,000. Some died, some drifted to other little towns. A 4 - 8 member TMP Recon is PERFECT for this size of town.

Just the wonderings of a strange mind.

My $0.02.

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