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Old 02-20-2010, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
Don't think Robin of Loxley would much appreciate being grouped with Pol Pot and Carl Hughes

Frankly the Soviets get to fill those shoes in TW2K. Got yer spiffy uniforms. Got yer brutal secret police. Got yer massive army. Even got Gulags to stand in for concentration camps..
Ahhh no. The Soviets were not really in the U.S. except for Division Cuba and the ones in Alaska. The Soviets themselves really weren't made out to be bad guys in this. There were marauder groups that were mainly Soviet that were, but not the Soviets themselves. And spiffy uniforms, come on those things are cheap and ugly.

Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
You are all over the place dude. First you ask "Why weren't New America more like the Nazis?" then you complain that Nazis have been overused?
When did I ever state "why weren't the New Americans more like Nazis"? In fact my complaining was that they where made out to be like or baised off of Nazis.

Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
Okay, I still don't get your point. Are you turned off because the New Americans were made out to represent the worst aspects of the survivalist movement? Do you see the New Americans as a deliberate slight against anyone white, christian, rural, politically conservative and dedicated to self-sufficiency?
I don't see how you don't get my point? It seems you just really dig the whole ultimate bad guy evil army thing. Or you you like the idea of white, christian, rural, politically conservative, and not government backed people being the ultimate bad guys?

I don't think the authors intended the New Americans to represent the entire survivalist movement. There is plenty of room in the canon for survivalist philosophies that do not include the fascism and racism of New America. I will admit that as written in TW2K the survivalist movement was a prime recruiting ground for New America, just like in real life many of the white supremacists and racial separatist movements attempted to recruit from the survivalist and the later militia movements..[/quote]

Not so sure if this is true. But, the media sure likes to print headlines like that.
And I'm sure headlines like that in the 1970-1980's are what made the author go that route.

Originally Posted by sglancy12 View Post
The New Americans were certainly influenced by David Brin's Holonists from "The Postman." In that book survivalists are depicted as the reason the government fails to recover after the limited nuclear exchange and why the country breaks down into anarchy and chaos. But I don't think that the authors at GDW had an agenda concerning the depiction of survivalist..

Never read The Postman or saw that Kevin Costner movie either. I think the author picked survivalist, because the average American more then likely sees them as crazies.

Last edited by kato13; 02-20-2010 at 11:00 AM. Reason: fixed very confusing quote tags.
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