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Old 10-01-2015, 03:38 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
Hey .45cultist, I meant to post a Thank You for your suggestion but yeah the one in Dark Conspiracy is too big for what I had in mind. I know T2k was a military themed game and all, but the complete absence of buses is frustrating. Even a generic offering like they did for sports cars would have been helpful.

I kinda see my new game, at least in the beginning, playing out like a "wagon train". That is, the PC group pick up and drop off people on their travels and they acquire and lose vehicles along the way.
So in a sense, the bus would be like the Partridge Family's bus, a central & long-term element in the group and as much a character itself as any of the NPCs.

I've found some examples of the type of bus I'm thinking of and to give it a reasonable ability to travel over damaged roads I've narrowed it down to a few buses from Russia. These buses have all seen service during the Soviet era and were found across many Eastern Bloc countries.
They are: -

the PAZ-3205

the PAZ-3201 (apparently it uses the same running gear as the GAZ-66 truck)

the KavZ-3976

and the KavZ-685

My biggest source of frustration is that I have found very little technical info on these vehicles so I'd be guessing at the game stats. There is a little bit of help though as many of the buses are derived from particular trucks e.g. the PAZ-3201 being derived from the GAZ-66.

Saving the best for last

Now aside from buses and although it will have extremely limited use (and assuming I get enough players to even start the game!), if the group ever decides to use the railways at all, I simply must have this as well (and at least the game stats will be a lot easier to create considering how well known the baseline vehicle is!)

I stole the picture of the Kombi from a Flickr site called The Rail Bus, many more images of some interesting rail buses can be found there particularly road vehicles refitted for railway work
I'm used to left and right hand drive International buses courtesy USAF motorpool. Schoolbuses would be common , the bus statted in the games are rare, most bases have one, if any. `
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