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Old 01-14-2010, 05:04 AM
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Default S06E01 UPDATE 28th -31st

I will arrive in the early evening the 28th -Thursday .

I see Friday afternoon and night as the most auspicious time for running my session .Possibly a little aftermath-something saturday if it happens -but no biggie there .

Friday is better since then everyone is available for the duration of the session.

Eureka Oct 10th 2019 Temperature : + 2 C*

The frantic hustle and desperate whispering voices of the central Command Officers in the war room did not distract Charirman Rupert Willis .His good eye was focused intently on the top secret report that a trusted courier had just delivered.After authenticating it and clearing his study of staff he had popped the lid off his pills and downed two with a liberal amount of pre war Scotch .He was down to his last case of the stuff .

After the pills had started to ease the knot in his neck and clarity relieved the stress he felt from a week of no sleep and constant news of retreat and defeat from the front, he read in anticipation .

The report was from a deep infiltration resource that he had gotten inside the NDP several years ago .Or rather the MIA Col Sanchez had gotten him inside - Willis Co had inherited several of the assets and networks from el Colonel.
(He had a brief vision of a half crazed Sanchez storming out of his nuclear bunker - or crater really - and hollering at him to give them back- clothes smoking form the radiation and hair all wild and white on his head.)

He chuckled.

Good old crazy,paranoid and sly Sanchez. Buried under a million tons of radioactive debris.Probably dead.

His source confirmed the breach at Shandon .

The attack had lasted over 2 hours at the time of the report.Willis` haggard and scarred face twisted into a joyous smile.He was still in the game ! Haussmann might have the firepower ,but now the baddest and craziest indiviuals he could think of were inside the NDP system - wrecking havoc in the innards of Haussmanns organization like intestinal worms from some horror movie.

He felt like a player at the poker table who just got 4 cards in a straight at the first deal.Just one more card and he would be the winner.

They were inside . He pictured them all bloodied and crazy with adrenalin shouting and screaming at eachother and the raw laughter in between the bursts of automatic fire .
They would bickering possibly - as the hordes of enemies attacked -bodies everywhere- and agonizing screams of frustration when their efforts were countered.

A bloddy mess .He took a long zip of Scotch and sighed.

At the coast the 1st californian Volunteer Regiment had turned back an NDP assault along Highway 1. The coastal ranges were still a raging battlefield -and the succesful action that had stopped the NDP drive was just temporary -he knew that .

But it bought time and provided a crucial bit of information.

His thoughts went to his former comrades in arms .Hunted by a thousand men - fighting of overwhelming numbers .Wounded probably -keeping up through willpower and combat stimulants.Trapped underground .

He couldnt let his old friends go out like that .
They had history .
Before this they had battled MilGov together in bloody campaigns in the deserts and jungles and freezing mountains of Pacific USA.Before that they had dismantled CivGov in brutal battles in the ruins .They had stood knee deep in mud in the trenches and taken on Holnist assaulttroops. They had starved and bled together when they were all alone in the howling wilderness a thousand miles from home.They had plotted against evil men together and made pacts to stand as allies and comrades in arms.They had faced odds and perils that would have killed all lesser men-and women.

And if they made it out , it would not look good if he hadnt prepared anything to help them .Not to mention that they might make it out carrying nuclear weapons-and those needed to be accounted for as well..

He dialled the unlisted number to the commander of A-section special operations detachment on his phone and got Major McAllistar .

"I have an assignment for you - I want to send a relief column to get our forward team in Shandon safely out of there "

"Uh..Yes Sir.But I thought.."

"Never mind what you thought man!Get an operation running to get them out this minute!"

"Yes sir !"
McAllistar hung up .And rubbed his chin .Who the hell was going to be crazy enough to venture into that area and try something like that ? It would have to be someone motivated by more than duty.More than bravery.Greed would not do it either - no chance of ever spending the rewards. .He would need someone driven by something else..

Family obligation.

In his office Willis watched the report burn in the tin bucket by his desk .He rather liked the look on the faces of his staff when 4 feet tall flames rose from the trash can. The fire upset their office routines he guessed.They would much prefer a shredder instead.Like the fire represented something out of control.Something wild.


The small victory at Highway 1 had revealed that the NDP command had moved their nuclear artillery - or else it would have been used on their positions like had happened earlier in the week.

But where would they move it ?

He opened the aerial reconnaisance photo folder again and studied the black and whites.

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