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Old 07-21-2017, 12:13 PM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Originally Posted by tsofian View Post
Restoring nerve damage would be ideal, as would replacing damaged limbs. Even curing diabetes would open a huge pool of potential volunteers. We know that in canon we have both a super anti toxin and a super antibiotic, so people dying of all sorts of poisons and infectious diseases would be candidates for those. Perhaps MP developed gene therapy way ahead of everyone else and they can even treat genetic disorders.
The only problem here goes back to pre-activation phase secrecy. Curing people of debilitating injury/disease/illness using nanotechnology (as described in 4th edition) would be hard to keep secret. Once a Project member's family member is cured, that family member will get noticed by a friend/relative/medical professional who will want to know how they got something completely taken care of that cutting edge medicine could not do. I am sure a Morrow Medical Research facility could do all of these things, or at least try to so they can fine tune the nanotech. Without taking the person so helped out of circulation, someone will start asking questions and that will not lead to anything good. In fact, the healed person would likely be asked to become a case study to see why they got better. Limb regeneration would be very hard to explain.
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