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Old 07-11-2018, 01:17 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
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Originally Posted by Raellus View Post
This assumes the v2 timeline, in which the Cold War ends in '91. In the v1.0 alternate timeline history, the Cold War didn't end, so a lot of stuff that, IRL was sold off to 3rd world countries or put on the open market- like those Ferrets, for example- would have remained in military reserve storage. I'm not trying to poo-poo the idea, but being as I favor the v1.0 timeline, I don't see quite as many MilSurp vehicles getting into civilians' hands.

As for the vulnerability of said light armor, is AP small arms ammo legal to buy in the U.S.?
Keep in mind Raellus that a lot of what you see in armor collectors hands todays was surplus long before a V1 or V2 timeline would have made much different - what you really will see as to the difference would be Soviet equipment availability (except for stuff that might have been bought from Egypt or Africa) for V1 versus V2

Looked around on google and found multiple references to Ferrets in civilian hands here in the US prior to 1987 for instance - the movie Short Circuit made in the US in 1986 had a Mk1 Ferret that the production company rented
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