Thread: KFS Refit
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Old 08-26-2017, 09:27 PM
mmartin798 mmartin798 is offline
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Originally Posted by gamerguy View Post
The order of manufacturing support you envision is orders of magnitude beyond TMP. TMP made HAM suits, the Mars vehicles, sci one yes and had to hide those in plain site as "failed prototypes". We dumped them in the ocean/desert/buried them when they failed. BUT TMP wasn't making the steel, machine tools, optics, electronics, chemicals... these were bought from XYZ corp. Now you have to create XYZ corp as part of KFS because there is no XYZ to buy from anymore.
You hold a much different view of TMP than I think some here do. BEM approached various industrialist to form the Counsel of Tomorrow (CoT). TMP was just a small thing that CoT built using a fraction of their vast mining, manufacturing, research and development capacity. Some of the gear for TMP came from working examples and plans that BEM brought back back from a future and were duplicated by CoT skunkworks. As far as I can tell, TMP just selected and trained people to use cool gear made by the CoT. TMP really doesn't make things itself. So the CoT having members like US Steel or Nucor is not impossible. You can add Bethlehem Steel if you like the 3rd edition timeline. Given that and organizations that have a large manufacturing presence like Boeing, Lockheed, GM, Ford, Motorola, Raytheon, Bristol-Meyer, Pfizer, Dow Corning; steel pre-war and manufacturing capability is not much of an issue. Granted, CoT members knew that most of their employees were going to die, but thanks to their efforts the reconstruction had a chance.
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