View Full Version : OT - Hexagon overlay for maps etc

08-07-2009, 08:52 AM
Anyone know a quick and easy hexagon overlay program for maps etc. I want to use if in my gaming.

08-07-2009, 05:47 PM
Do you mean that you have image files of maps and you want to overlay an image of hexes or a mapping programme with hexes in it?

08-07-2009, 07:31 PM
Want to overlay hexes on files i have.

08-08-2009, 01:36 AM
There could be a better way, but this took me about 2 minutes including searching on google:

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0194/maphex.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0194/maphex)

I didn't do a very good job, but basically I went here: http://gombe.org/hexmap16x16.gif, and got a hex grid from the net.

I used paint .net, which is free. Opened up a map, and pasted this hex map in as a new layer. I then set this layer's properties to multiply (which basically makes the white transparent)

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0512/paintnet.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0512/paintnet)

as an example I then resized the grid and made another copy with a finer hex.

http://h.imagehost.org/t/0630/maphex2.jpg (http://h.imagehost.org/view/0630/maphex2)

I resized the grid by hand and pasted it over the map, then copied and repasted this grid to fill the map and manually lined up the grid. There would be a better way but the grid sections snapped together in paint.net no problem so I didn't look any further.

There must be a programme out there somewhere that does this, but this was pretty easy.

08-08-2009, 06:43 AM
Thank you... I wanted something simple and easy and this looks like it will do the job.

02-08-2010, 11:53 AM
Anyone have any updates for this problem? I find it irritating some times...lol. :)

02-09-2010, 02:06 AM
The simplest solution I have found for this is to print a hex grid onto a transparent sheet of acetate. You can then overlay the acetate over any printed map.

Here is a link to a hex pdf generator

This is not as simple but allows for more flexibility of hex interior (dot, cross, notation)