View Full Version : Small unit tactics and cohesion & combat rules knowledge thread
08-10-2009, 08:19 AM
My fellow gamers !
Everyone has their own style and enjoy a as much freedom as can be reasonably given in our gaming.And everyones style is accepted and fun as far as I feel .But some styles will inevitably lead to the odds stacking up against the characters ,and some may tilt them in their favour .The whole thing is a game of odds in a way ,and your skills and the situation you are in are the "cards" you get to play .
Great is the glory and joy of the victorious as their PCs survey the battlefield that is littered with the bullet riddled corpses of vanquished foes and all their goodies for the taking amongst the smouldering remnants of battle.
On the other hand -in many cases -dreary is the process of building a character up from the beginning with low skills ,little gear and more dominant partymembers constantly giving you latrine duty .Not to mention the shock of loosing a veteran PC of many years and starting afresh.
The new damage rules -really the old damage rules and a little sprinkle of malevolently weighted result tables plus a few optional/house rules - ARE DEADLY
example :
Already in the opening scenes of the first firefight in our last session you guys got a PC down with a critical hit out in the open .A little less luck and that PC would be a goner .
So - I made this thread for you guys to discuss "how to do it " and quite possibly even cook up a sort of check list or doctrine that you CAN apply .
As was said at the table - "you guys fight like Apache indians -all on the same side but individually ".Tactical manuals ,movies etc will show you - there is rarely a man who goes out and attacks an enemy position alone -its usually several men where some provide cover while others move etc . Attacking a numerically superior enemy over a 200 meter wide front with 6 guys is pretty dangerous in a built up area.I hope this thread can inspire some gaming moves .
A few examples of what could be useful :
" mutual support" "Optional fire rules " "creeping barrage"
"Covering fire" "fire superiority" "movement coordination"
If of use you can discuss etc here.Also rules questions etc can be put the GM
This thread is ment to help if needed and not as a critique of anyone particular style .
08-14-2009, 04:37 AM
The party has to assault a series of ruins and buildings defended by veteran troops of at least platoon size.They have to take all buildings and clear them to open the bridge to the allied troops that will be there in a few hours .The disposition of the enemy troops is partially known -they have at least one or two squads of 10 in each of the buildings with numbers on them .
The party ( A) is in the ruined ,northernmost part of building with no numbers in the bottom right corner of the map.The ususal set up -party is bristling with guns and ammo ,but only small arms and few RPGs.Its daytime .
The scale is 1 CM equals 5 meters -making it app 20 meters across the larger roads between the buildings ( it is close range combat mostly ).
The party start their 1st phase in cover and hidden .There is one firing position (RED X) spotted directly across the street from them .
What to do ?
08-14-2009, 04:42 AM
area of party and enemy position .
08-14-2009, 04:43 AM
so how would you do it in general ?
How would you place the PCs ( imagining that everyone actually cooperated ;)
What would be the tactic and methods employed ?
11-05-2009, 09:32 AM
I did try to incite some interest in tactical gaming and the creation of a sort of in-game SOP to be followed in the course of the fighting.
It would seem that this is superfluous ,and that the ease of urban combat against trained enemies incur no need for drill and training cohesion.:D
The mission you are currently on is of no interest to the PCs personally -I see that one - but as a GM I fail to see that whatever happens to EUREKA with all your stash should be of low interest..:confused:
I mean - what would life be like under NDP for say -known Painists or Feudals from San Simeon ?A utilitarian ,authoritarian asketic and strict party with a neolithic brutality and outlook on anyone not falling into their grey clad ,faceless uniformed line..
The damage rules are deadly as you well know..
the enemy is highly trained and hardened NDP cadres..
could it be that the ususal confused 3 minutes of discussion on tactics before we kick of will not be sufficient to pull it of ?
Could it be that the reformed and socalled "neo-nasty" GM will demand an hitherto unheard of level of cohesion in regards to observation and fire sectors,mutual support and tactics ?
Who will make it ? Who will not ?
Anyways - I cant wait to get cracking on the gaming, lads!
I predicta 100 % chance of hail - a hail of bullets !
oh yeah..looking over these things a doing a few walk throughs -talk throughs with coins etc on a table is probably a VERY good idea...
Rupert Willies
11-05-2009, 01:33 PM
I know it's not a good sign, but I only saw this thread now..
11-09-2009, 06:55 AM
I know it's not a good sign, but I only saw this thread now..
"elite troops? bah..amateurs are the real worry -you never know what they will do "
bon chance -ce la guerre
11-09-2009, 08:57 AM
If I remember correctly, I am a peacful entertainer - bringing smiles and laughter to people worldwide is my bussiness.
I am now kidnapped and forced into this mission. My beloved crew is held hostage and will end up in front of i firing squad if I fail to fullfull a suicidal mission (or die in the process of carrying out a suicide mission).
I have recently been court martialled for not volunteering for an even more dangerous suicide mission.
I also have a vague memory of a past life where I had to fight for money to buy food because I was kicked out of the army and thrown on the street after almost sacrifising my own lift carrying out - yes - a suicide mission.
So, what do I own to Eureka?
Not more than I own to NDP...
11-09-2009, 03:03 PM
If I remember correctly, I am a peacful entertainer - bringing smiles and laughter to people worldwide is my bussiness.
I am now kidnapped and forced into this mission. My beloved crew is held hostage and will end up in front of i firing squad if I fail to fullfull a suicidal mission (or die in the process of carrying out a suicide mission).
I have recently been court martialled for not volunteering for an even more dangerous suicide mission.
I also have a vague memory of a past life where I had to fight for money to buy food because I was kicked out of the army and thrown on the street after almost sacrifising my own lift carrying out - yes - a suicide mission.
So, what do I own to Eureka?
Not more than I own to NDP...
At least they gave you a job .Even if the job is a suicide mission
And.. you are kind of in the middle of it NOW - shooting your way out of there might take some tactics too ...
looking forward to get this going on the dice table
11-12-2009, 03:57 AM
basically just a few cosmetic upgrades to the doc - but a little more for the players to worry about on the treatment and diagnosis part ..let this be a warning to you muahahah!!
-houserules v.2.1 by GM Headquarters-
PURPOSE: to provide more realistic but fast played damage resolution rules.
1 .Basic rules : damage causes loss of hitpoints and affects initiative ,movement ,consciousness etc
slight -1 int.
serious-2 more int
critical -2 more int and strength halved
Immediately on going into the negative the player rolls a dice for loss of consciousness and also at the start of each phase when taking action.
If seriously wounded CON score is the % chance on the D10 of staying awake –i.e CON 8 is an 80% chance.
Blackout lasts until next phase-roll is repeated to gain consciousness.
A roll of 10 always means losing consciousness.
If critically wounded the player rolls a D100 using CON to decide chance .CON 8 gives an 8 % chance.
A character can take a negative amount of-200% HP before death .A HP score of CHEST 25means that at minus 51 character is dead.
Critical wounds to head does not mean instant death.
Upon reaching serious level wounded character looses blood at a rate that will kill within 10 minutes if not treated .
Upon reaching critical level wounded character looses blood at a rate that will kill within 5 minutes if not treated .
TREATMENT/FIRST AID :to stop bleeding is dependant on circumstance and wound severity and type .GM can modify accordingly at discretion.
Pers. med . kit +1 , doctors medkit +2 . Treatment MUST include applying bandages ,tourniquets, improvised pressure clamp etc . Cannot be done with nothing.
Performing first aid on your self is one level more difficult and means staying conscious for minimum 30 sec.Arms/Legs often easier to do yourself – GM decides.
SLIGHT WOUNDS :10 days.EASY:MEDICAL ½ time. No MEDICAL treatment adds ½ time. PERS. MED KIT +1, DOCTORS MED KIT +3
SERIOUS WOUNDS : 22 days.AVG:MEDICAL ½ time. No MEDICAL treatment adds ½ time. PERS. MED KIT +1, DOCTORS MED KIT +3
INSUFFICIENT REST,FOOD,WATER,SHELTER: + ½ time. Any work,movement or combat adds time as pr GM discretion. Effects are cumulative.
Critical hits means wound affects internal organs ,arteries ,bones or other that make injury grave.Usually this means uncontrollable hemorrhaging leading to desanguination or indeed exsanguinations .Critical hits refer to both internal bleeding and other forms of bleeding at dangerous levels.
Critical hits also refer to shock in the medical sense of the word .Any injury can cause shock –although in game terms a critical hit is needed to bring about shock.
(Hypovolemic and cardiogenic will likely be the main types of shock in-game ,but septic shock or obstructive shock are also likely).
The term “Bleed Time” in the critical hit tables refers to exsanguinations has occurred or to the refractory or irreversible state of shock has occurred .In-game we shall not be discussing what came first –exsanguinations or refractory shock.
Risk of critical hits occur each time a character is wounded. The GM rolls a D10 , the number of penetrating damage dice equals the chance of it being a critical hit.
Example: a hit from a rifle with damage 3 on an unarmored target gives a 30%chance of critical hit on the GMs D10 result roll. (If 2 dice were subtracted due to body armour ,the chance is 10%.)
Each critical hit means consulting location specific CRITICAL TABLES for result. The table lists different results for critical and serious wound levels.
Treatment Follows wound severity in difficulty. One attempt takes 6 phases .It stops bleeding ,covers wound surface and improves chance of avoiding infection or complication .SLIGHT WOUNDS are EASY ,SERIOUS WOUNDS are AVERAGE and CRITICAL WOUNDS are DIFFICULT.
TREATING SHOCK : In hypovolemic shock, usually hemorrhagic shock caused by traumatic injury, it is necessary to immediately control the bleeding and restore the casualty's blood volume by giving infusions of isotonic crystalloid solutions.(IV-drip).
In case of respiratory insufficiency (i.e. diminished levels of consciousness, hyperventilation due to acid-base disturbances or pneumonia) intubation and mechanical ventilation may be necessary.
Please note that preventing complications and infections are covered in a separate section (table 6.) These are medical procedures that involve hours of surgery or weeks of care .
WOUND SEVERITY INCREASE: Actions such as combat may ad damage point to locations already wounded. GM will pr discretion add damage as combat unfolds.
Successful treatments can fall apart / become worse: if strained. New Medical check using treating characters skill is made with appropriate difficulty level .GM decides. Example: running with a bandage can make it come of. Medics skill was 5 .GM decides its an AVERAGE strain for the bandage. Wounded char roll using medics skill.
All critical hits must be treated like this unless otherwise stated in tables.
1 SERIOUS :Bleed time :10 min
CRITICAL : Bleed time 5 min
2 SERIOUS :Bleed time 10 min .Shock. Medical check one level more difficult
CRITICAL: Bleed time : 5 min .Shock .Medical check one level more difficult
3 SERIOUS: Bleed time .Shock .10 min
CRITICAL :Bleed time Shock. 5 min
4 SERIOUS : Bleed time 5 min .Shock .Loss of hearing: OBS-1
CRITICAL : Bleed time 2 ½ min. Shock. Loss of hearing OBS -2
5 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min . Shock Disfigurement :CHARISMA -1**
CRITICAL : bleed time 2 ½ min . Shock Disfigurement : CHARISMA -2**
6 SERIOUS :bleed time 5 min .Hemorrhaging.
Horrible disfigurement :CHARISMA -1D6**
CRITICAL :bleed time 2 ½ min .Hemorrhaging
Horrible disfigurement :CHARISMA -1D6**
7 SERIOUS : bleed time 10 min. Internal hemorrhaging
Loss of eyesight : AG-1 ,OBS-2
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. Internal hemorrhaging .
Loss of eyesight : AG-2 ,OBS-3
8 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Internal hemorrhaging.
Brain damage :INTEL : -1
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. Internal hemorrhaging.
Brain damage :INTEL : -2
9 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min . Internal hemorrhaging
Brain damage: INTEL: - 2, 1D6 skills -1D6 points*
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. Internal hemorrhaging
Brain dmg. :INTEL: -3 , 1D6 skills -1D6 points
10 SERIOUS :bleed time 1 min. Extreme Hemorrhaging. Difficult medical to treat
CRITICAL: Immediate death
What skills are determined by numbering all skills with points.
Rolling a dice with the closest number till selection is done.
Certain types of damage lends themselves to disfigurement result.
Fire, acid etc GM decides.
1 SERIOUS :bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
2 SERIOUS : bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL :bleed time 5 min
3 SERIOUS : Shock .bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL :Shock. bleed time 5 min.
4 SERIOUS: Shock.bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: Hemorrhaging. bleed time 5 min.
5 SERIOUS: Hemorrhaging bleed time 5 min.
CRITICAL: Internal hemorrhaging. Bleed time 2 ½ min.
6 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.Lung damage: Lungs fill w/blood. Hemorrhaging.
Must make CON -1 each turn (6th phase) until treated. Average medical.
Failed checks accumulate -1 penalty. When at 0, character has drowned.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER. CONCHECK PEN - 2
7 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min .Spinal damage:10% chance of paralysis pr phase
moved w/o stretcher or pr obstacle negated Absolute rest min.4 months
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER. RISK 20%
8 SERIOUS: bleed time:10 min .Cardiogenic shock: AVG: medical or char dies in
CON/2 minutes, Heart failure.
9 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Heart failure: Difficult medical or char dies
in CON/2 minutes Cardiogenic shock
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER but TIME IS CON/4 minutes
10 SERIOUS: Massive Internal hemorrhaging.2 min bleed time.
Difficult medical to stop.
CRITICAL:SAME AS OVER . Bleed time 1 min.
1 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
2 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
3 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
4 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min .Hemorrhaging.
5 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min. Hemorrhaging.
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min. Hemorrhaging.
6 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.Gutshot. Internal hemorrhage. ADD +3 to the
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min .GUTSHOT. Internal hemorrhaging .
7 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.Gutshot. Internal hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min .GUTSHOT. Internal hemorrhaging
8 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min.Gutshot. Add +4 to INFECTION ROLL
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min .GUTSHOT. ADD +5 to INFECTION ROLL
9 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min. Artery rupture.2 DIFFICULT:MEDICAL checks
to treat .
10 SERIOUS: Massive internal bleeding. Time 2 min.. AVG:MEDICAL to stop.
1 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
2 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
3 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min
4 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Shock
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min .Shock
5 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min. Shock
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min. Hemorrhaging
6 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage loss of skill -2 points random skill.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min.SAME AS OVER but -3
7 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage loss of skill -3 points random skill.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min.SAME AS OVER but -4
8 SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage loss of STR -1 .
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER .
9 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min .Loss of fingers.Random skill -4.Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min.SAME AS OVER but -5 Hemorrhaging
10 SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min. Muscle damage .STR-1.Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 1/2 min. Loss of limb. STR- ¼ round down.
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. Hemorrhaging
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min Hemorrhaging
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. Shock
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Shock
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min.Shock
SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min.Shock
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min,Shock
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage. Movement impaired -1 m /phase
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min .SAME AS OVER but -2 m / phase. Hemorrhaging
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage. Movement impaired -2 m/ phase.
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER but handicap is -3 m /phase.
SERIOUS: bleed time 10 min. Nerve damage loss of STR -1 . Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 5 min. SAME AS OVER . Hemorrhaging
SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min .Loss of toes. AG – 1 Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 ½ min. SAME AS OVER but -2 Hemorrhaging
SERIOUS: bleed time 5 min. Muscle damage .STR-1. Internal Hemorrhaging
CRITICAL: bleed time 2 1/2 min. Loss of limb. STR- ¼ round down.
Internal Hemorrhaging.
Infection and or complications can be the result of any wound no matter the wound severity level.Character must make a check against CONSTITUTION.
GM decides if check is easy ,average or difficult depending on circumstances and wound type .Burns are more prone to infection etc .
The GM consults his damage results table to determine complication if any . (TABLE 6) ,depending on CON check result is applied .
Proper first aid or rapid medical treatment will improve chance of avoiding a bad result .In many climates and environments this must done immediately or within minutes of the injury . SUCCESSFUL FIRST AID FOLLOWS WOUND SEVERITY. kit +1 ,doctors med kit+2. One attempt allowed pr turn (6th phase)
Most complications are readily treatable ,and are a matter of time and resources. Others require more effort , and some are difficult to recover fully from .
CRITICAL: small infection. EASY:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: small infection .EASY:MEDICAL to treat
CRITICAL: small infection. EASY: MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: slight infection. EASY:MEDICAL to treat
CRITICAL: slight infection. EASY:MEDICAL to treat
CON/AVG* SLIGHT: slight infection. EASY:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
CRITICAL: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
CON/AVG* SLIGHT: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
CRITICAL: serious infection. DIFFICULT:MEDICAL to treat
CON/AVG* SLIGHT: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
CRITICAL: serious infection. DIFFICULT:MEDICAL to treat
CON/DIFF* SLIGHT: medium infection. AVG:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: serious infection. DIFFICULT:MEDICAL to treat
CON/DIFF* SLIGHT: Serious infection. DIFFICULT:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: : SEPSIS .Surgery needed AVG:MED.
CON/DIFF* SLIGHT: Serious infection. DIFFICULT:MEDICAL to treat
SERIOUS: : SEPSIS. Surgery needed AVG:MED.
CRITICAL: Chronic sepsis due to fragments. 1D6 DIFF:MED
Procedures needed.
INFECTION Untreated = -1D12 to location pr week
SEPSIS Untreated= -1D6 to location pr day
FRAGMENTS Untreated= -1 HP to location pr hour
One attempt pr SKILL MEDICAL / 2 allowed pr 24 hours .
Round result down .Skill 10 = 4 attempts pr 24 hrs.
Surgical supplies required or penalties will occur
Subtract 2 from roll on this table if successful first aid is received
GM makes hidden roll for CON too see if results /complication should be applied .Noting down all the hits a player character takes in the course of a session is a wise method to keep up.CON check can be modified by GM depending on circumstances i.e suffering burn wounds in a sewer might lead to increased risk of infection .
11-13-2009, 03:51 AM
just to inspire some of you before the next round..I am hoping I will get Saturday from the early afternoon and to the late night to play the T2K scenario. m%3D1
General Pain
11-16-2009, 05:00 AM
I got the friday off, but now i'm struggling to fix the saturday,losey employees.....
11-16-2009, 06:01 AM
The deal was that if you preformed well on this one WillisCO would let you bid on several valuable contracts as a black ops operator -or "intelligence gathering" as they called it .
If not , of course they would shoot all your friends and confiscate everything you own.And hunt you down .And try to kill you .And call names .
enough with the negativity about the suicidal part of the mission briefing - after all - would you really enjoy it if it was possible to survive ?
The Gods have cast you in a mega-play ,the stage is set and you got the best lines.Your performance will male you legendary -at least after you are dead,as with most artists.Which might not be long in this case .
But look at the bright side - an upturn in your career is close !This show has a grand finale - no worries .
Also one last thing - theer are NO available lead roles in NDP -could you bear being best supporting male for the rest of your life ,with NO chance of ever taking center stage ?At least in Eureka ,you will be able to promote yourself freely as the super star.
No settle down - you got a 2 o`clock facial you cant afford to miss.
If I remember correctly, I am a peacful entertainer - bringing smiles and laughter to people worldwide is my bussiness.
I am now kidnapped and forced into this mission. My beloved crew is held hostage and will end up in front of i firing squad if I fail to fullfull a suicidal mission (or die in the process of carrying out a suicide mission).
I have recently been court martialled for not volunteering for an even more dangerous suicide mission.
I also have a vague memory of a past life where I had to fight for money to buy food because I was kicked out of the army and thrown on the street after almost sacrifising my own lift carrying out - yes - a suicide mission.
So, what do I own to Eureka?
Not more than I own to NDP...
11-16-2009, 06:03 AM
I got the friday off, but now i'm struggling to fix the saturday,losey employees.....
this thread is about rules and tactics..
I suggest SEASON 5 EPISODE 4 Winter sessions thread .
It still sucks though -even when posted here .Give me a call on the comms.
01-07-2010, 05:23 AM
For those of you who have interest and those of you who have questions - these are good films to obtain and get theoretical advice from.
Practice is everything ,but these films have stuff that will work great in the campaign setting .
Anyways - arriving in Oslo 28th of January app 1800 hrs.
Hope that I will get the WHOLE saturday for my shit .
Early start -late finish .
Bring kleenex to wipe your faces from snot and tears from the brutal thrashing your PCs will be getting !
aahh.. the eve of battle ...
01-07-2010, 01:21 PM
"elite troops? bah..amateurs are the real worry -you never know what they will do "
bon cjhance -ce la guerre
01-07-2010, 01:38 PM
Kudos for bringing it up, although the most efficient way to get some more into the campaign would be to actually spend 20-40 mins. TEACHING what you know of the subject. It could be an excercise in futility, but starting a thread won't help a lot either I feel.
However, I've been studying the abstract principles of tactics lately (not specific battle drills) and if anyone should read this, the basics can be summed up as follows:
The basic elements of combat
The basic tactical principles
1.CONCENTRATION OF FORCE -everybody knows it is better to hammer at one point instead of a little bit all over if you want to break down a door.
2.SURPRISE - Surprise!
3.OFFENSIVE ACTION - even if retreating or simply defending, staying on the offense means taking advantage of new possibilities, will ensure you keep initiative and not become predictable.
4.MUTUAL SUPPORT - I suspect this is the point the GM would most like us to understand and implement, and it can be really effective. It takes integrity though, a very precious commodity under the circumstances.
5.SIMPLICITY - A complex plan depending on a number of hard-to-calculate elements works fine in James Bond movies, not so for any of us.
The above are combined in various ways in order to reach different goals, for instance, and attack against a well defended position would mostly consist of FIRE and MOVEMENT broken up by units finding PROTECTION on the way forward, and in order to succeed, I would try emphasise MUTUAL SUPPORT when advancing. It would be good to SURPRISE them, althought to break through, a CONCENTRATION OF FORCE would probably be the key.:)
01-07-2010, 03:27 PM
I just wanted to point out that since the game is a group effort ,playing together like comrades in arms is what I am after, and thus the maps are calculated so that there is at least 2 sectors to cover at most times..hopefully..
that way -relying on eachother is a nescessity and not an option ,and also I find it more sachlich
I just thought the "check drills" or what you would call them would be fun to get going - to get everyone into a tactical flow of one-mindedness that lasted many high intensity phases -
if that makes any sense.
A mere 3 weeks to wait .
01-10-2010, 06:31 AM
I'm all for it!
But if you happen have an good (preferably illustrated) source for specific combat drills, I'd be interested in reading up on the subject. One of our problems (IMHO) have been that we simply aren't familiar with squad level tactics in practice - no matter how many movies we've seen, actual knowledge shared by all would be a vast improvement in the tactics department.
I would lament a transition to complete "sachlichkeit" if you will, but I reaally enjoy the moments when it approaches a feeling of simulation as opposed to a when it feels like being part of a gaudy troupe of hi-powered primadonnas lacking in cooperative skills:)
01-10-2010, 02:48 PM
you got less than 3 weeks...
I'm all for it!
But if you happen have an good (preferably illustrated) source for specific combat drills, I'd be interested in reading up on the subject. One of our problems (IMHO) have been that we simply aren't familiar with squad level tactics in practice - no matter how many movies we've seen, actual knowledge shared by all would be a vast improvement in the tactics department.
I would lament a transition to complete "sachlichkeit" if you will, but I reaally enjoy the moments when it approaches a feeling of simulation as opposed to a when it feels like being part of a gaudy troupe of hi-powered primadonnas lacking in cooperative skills:)
01-13-2010, 11:04 AM
again - I am not saying this is by any means great stuff , but it gets the general idea.
So- this or other material like it - is recommended viewing /reading before cracking on with the next one imho.
Failure to cooperate and maximize unit effectiveness will lead to fatalities and defeat in an area where there is no possibility of escape and survival can only be assured by victory.
A bloodui mess is of corse good fun too.
01-14-2010, 02:26 AM
01-14-2010, 02:30 AM
Found this in there:
Very nice for a stronger visualization of particular rooms, ja?
01-14-2010, 03:00 AM
Found this in there:
Very nice for a stronger visualization of particular rooms, ja?
aber es kostet.
app. 5 dollars pr plan .
no go in my budgets.
but do try and find similar stuff.
Now - you have exactly 14 days in wich to find ,agree on and practise the nescessary drills .
I suggest you get the guys with you and read up on it and do some talk throughs etc .
You have the "infanteri offiser i felt " ? has a lot of good points .
best of luck -
you shall all need it and perhaps some backup characters too..
a little help on the way 6um%3D1 6um%3D1
get to work
HQ out
01-15-2010, 11:23 AM
01-15-2010, 11:26 AM
General Pain
01-19-2010, 05:51 AM
im looking forward to try out this
01-19-2010, 08:46 AM
see the menu on the left hand side
agree with your step-brothers in arms which drills to concentrate on .
get a piece of paper out and do talk throughs .
have fun .
1.THIS IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD READ AND TALK ABOUT formations,sectors ,movement paterns once inside etc ,its the basics that every man need to know before moving on to CLEARING A ROOM :
2 .This one is useful too - how to get inside
3 .This one is about communication and signals
4 . This one is about what drills to use in what kind of room /building once inside :
5 . First aid :
homepage :
01-20-2010, 08:55 AM
4 PCs are advancing down a hall way with guns ready - they get to an open door on the right hand side of the hallway.
They decide to clear it out .
By using the principles in the links from CQBteam site you can approach in different ways.
1.Caution :
slicing the pai : 1 or prefearbly 2 shooters gradually expose themselves to the door-opening by moving a few inches sideways at a time . They never enter ,but aim carefully as they slide sideways away from the wall .All the time gaining optional fire on their sector .
They cannot get optional fire over the whole room, so someone will have to go in and clear out the corners they cant reach in their line of sight .But atleast a good deal of the room and possible positions on the inside can be covered by marksmen before the 2 next guys enter and clear the room.
4 shooters with 2 at each side of the room can cover most of it by slicing the pai with crossing sectors of fire befoee any entry is made.
By presenting many targets the players make sure that 1 man opposition will have to divide their shots and minimize over all risk.
Also if you loose one man in this move ,atleast you will have others still in position to fire and have gained this position -not lost a man for nothing .
After the initial phase of shooting the PCs still standing will have optional fire if they did not shoot last phase.
2. speed
is essential in some game circumstances. chatter about who is to do what will eat up valuable phases that could mean alot when it comes to exploiting windows of opportunity .
Entering in a rapid violent assault that follows a pre planned drill on a short command is more efficient .Also a massive attack will give any enemy multiple targets to engage and force them to divide their fire .Even if PCs are hit ,there are still someone in position that now can return fire or gain optional fire if possible.Sending in one and one PC to be cautious will put the group at a disadvantage when assaulting a small enemy team of 2 - 3 enemy.You will still loose one man and have gained nothing .Going in with more you loose the same man but ensure domination of the situation.
3. Agility minus bulk
In most cases there will be a question of agility minus bulk to determine who goes first .Being able to deliver effective fire before the other guy is alfa and omega .This often entails taking rounds to the body armour as a calculated risk , but rapid firing decent caliber handgun or submachinegun/carbine should end the conflict before that is necessary. Massive caliber guns or battle type rifles will be less useful than smaller weapons .Unless you are super agile ..
this leads to another important lesson:
fire superiority .
Optional fire is what you get within an 8 - x antall m area if you cover that area by aiming for one phase .The next phase some target appear you will be the first to shoot regardless of agility minus bulk .You already have that area covered.
getting firesuperiority means that a concerted action must be taken .Exposing your self to enemy fire must be coordinated so that even if one or more is hit there is someone who also stick their head around the corner and cover the same target.That way ,the losses you took will atleast result in you winning the corner and getting fire superiority .
Bear in mind that there is a 3 target limit for aimed /quick shots so that anyone covering an area alone with a no full auto weapon will have a serious problem if 4 or more targets appear. ( spray and pray/full auto rules opens up the possibility for clipping all targets aimed/quick only 3 ).
The same is of course true of the enemy NPCs .
Any hit or disturbance -like looking behind you alot will mean that you have to aim for 5 sec /1 phase again .
Moving towards an area without covering it with optional fire first is a rookie mistake.
Cover fire:
firing at an area with no apparent targets seems dumb ,but it might just be what is needed to keep heads down and fear levels up for the enemy .The GM will consider the liklyness of any NPC to risk his life -if bullets are constantly impacting the corner you are supposed to round to engage the PCs ,many NPCs will fail their Initiative check.(pinned )
To get the upper hand is one thing ,but to keep it ,each success must be followed rapidly by the next one .
If taking an area was costly ,then there is no time to waste in getting the next one .Give the enemy time to prepare or get his wits about him means that he will defend more efficiently .
In a house that means instantly following through to the living room from the bloody scene in the kitchen were you first entered and won .The next phase the assault on teh adjacent room must start .
calling a drill is the fastest way to get things moving .
not all rooms can be cleared right away .If you need to go from A to B , maybe clearing C is a good idea.But what about D ,E and far lying F ? you could be at "B" long before you ever finished the rest of the areas.
When all this is said - this are principles to use when in trouble and outgunned etc .If you are surrounding someone ,and they have hostages and what not - different tactics ar called for.
But for what you are about to do -this is pretty good advice.
tossing frags that land with PCs in the blast radius is not very helpful in 95% of the cases.
Letting the enemy have it with 10 bursts sprayed around a corner without aiming when your own guys are in your line of fire is not helping either.
Bursting at a target close to one of your own is bad for a variety of reasons -but if you cant figure them out your own self -just know that it is BAD!
Someone should issue the perpetrators of these sort of "combat moves" a bolt action rifle of small caliber and have their grenade licenses rescinded.
Rupert Willies
01-22-2010, 05:21 AM
CQB - great site! Really liked it. Gives us non-militarized guys a chance to se what it actually looks like. I'll be doing my homework before next session!
01-27-2010, 03:32 AM
CQB - great site! Really liked it. Gives us non-militarized guys a chance to se what it actually looks like. I'll be doing my homework before next session!
be all you can be
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